New plans in blynk

I use blynk in a year just maybe 4-5 months. Now i look in the app and see now new plans, free an pro
. Now i have a couple questions. I read something about in the free plan, 30000 messages what it means? Push messages or data messages from my dht22 in example? And why is the plan for 6,99 gone? I dont need a pro account for 99$ in a month for personal use for a thermometer and a ventilation?!


Hello @Andy_Wand.

This is the limit for new Free plan. This is the number of commands sent from the hardware to the server. Any commands, for example Blynk.virtualWrite
This is the limit per organization for per month.

Currently Maker Plan is not available or purchase. Available only for existing users with maker plans.

Ok thanks for the answere,
That means to my i delete all my blynk projects i use it for maybe 6-7 years but this pay plans are horrible 100€ for 1 month thats 1200€ for one year thats horrible for private use . I have to go to arduino cloud,because this prices from blynk are not from this earth. how can a company be so greedy. Thats sad and disgusting.


If you currently have a Maker plan then you can continue to use it, just don’t let your subscription lapse.


As I wrote above, I only use blynk for about 6 months a year, so I always cancel my subscription, which means I have to pay €100 a month, which is ridiculous. Why was this subscription removed?! Why should I pay €100 a MONTH for a temperature sensor and ventilation? That’s sick and pure greed. Why don’t they leave these subscriptions for private individuals? That makes me so angry and sad. I can now just delete years of work because I don’t want to pay €100 a month. 100€ for a year or 6.99 for a month, I completely understand, that covers the costs of the server, but 100€ per month? No thanks, I’ll look for something else where money isn’t the top priority.


So why not use the free plan?


Because it reached 30000 messages after 1 day . My temperatur sensor sends every 1 second data, and yes its necessary.


@Andy_Wand not true. Your acc is old. I checked your acc. And you use old free plan. There are no message limits on old free plans.

Also you canceled the maker plan on May 20.

If this is correct then Blynk has effectively crippled the Free plan.
This works out at one update on one datastream every 86 seconds.

The Free plan can now have 10 devices with 20 datastreams each, yet these devices aren’t allowed to send more than 150 data points on those datastreams per month.

I understand the logic in streamlining the available plans, but in my opinion it would have been better to make the Free plan a time-limited trial then allow users to upgrade to the Maker plan.

It seems like Blynk has just made it impossible for the average home user to use the product, which is a very sad situation.



1500 datapoints of 20 ds per month.

The purpose of a new free plan to give as much as possible of platform features and to avoid abuse. For now, the 30k limit is experimental. It may be tuned in any way.

sorry but if you read my messages I would have said I use it for a maximum of 6 months a year (not this year). I am also speaking for a friend, who has an account and it reached 30000 messages within a half day, and I think for many other private individuals. and if you are already in my account without my permission you can delete it straight away because I don’t want to burden such companies with my data.

Experimental? On the private user? Who spent ours and days in some project and need it, and now can‘t use it because they reached the fuc… 30000 messages. because you want to experiment. Thats sucks, before the plans change, blynk was a good platform.

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I think you misunderstood. There are a lot of free plans being registered. Heavy load on the servers. We are currently optimizing plans and processes.

No. New plans affect only new users. We use Plan Versioning. So when new plans/limits are introduced - only newly registered users are affected. So I don’t understand where your frustration comes from.

In this particular update the only change that affects existing users is that existing free users are no longer will be update to upgrade to plus plan.

And those 20 datastreams could belong to just one device, making the other 9 in the organisation useless.

But it’s not a viable replacement for the Maker plan, so home users who want a useable Blynk solution have to pay for a PRO subscription at $1,188 per year, which obviously isn’t going to happen.
I really don’t see why Blynk would scrap the Maker plan, it makes no sense to me.



It’s not.


I think you dont understand whats the point for me.

That is the point for me.

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@Andy_Wand just wondering, how do you use 1 sec resolution data for temperature? We rarely see such requirements even in industrial IoT applications. Have you considered sending it either on significant change or overall less frequent

Such feedback would be helpful to fine tune the reasonable messages limit for personal use like yours.


Its in a growbox and i need values there are up to date minimum every 5 seconds, because of the temperatur or humidity drops or raises.

if that’s the case, would it mean that old users who had issues with payments due to their country’s banking system being weird, should still have the old 100 device pro plan show up right?

it doesn’t seem to be the case here