New release today!! Please send feedback!!
0.5.0 - 2018-04-14
- Blynk protocol - Handle any number of Blynk commands (virtualWrite(), setProperty(), etc.) in a row see Blynk Library 0.5.0
- Control max lenght of message and max number of commands in a single message
- Config node - Option to enable “Multiple blynk command in single message” (blynk cloud or local server >= v0.34.0)
- Config node - Implemented server proxy configuration
- Config node - Option to log protocol “sync” and “bridge” messages type
- Node - Bridge - New node that implements the functionality of sending commands to other blynk devices.
- Node - Sync - New node that implements the “syncAll” and “syncVirtual” blynk commands
- Node - Set Property - Implemented “step” for Step Widget (blynk cloud or local server >= v0.32.2)
- Node - Set Property - Implemented “url” for Video Straming Widget (blynk cloud or local server >= v0.28.7)
- Node - Set Property / LCD / Table - Send multiple blynk command in a single message
- Node - Read Event - Option to receive all pins events
- Node - Write Event - Option to receive all pins events
- Node - Write Event - Added pin number that generate event in variable
- Initial support to Internationalisation
- Better handle of configuration node error, now blocks child nodes if some parameter is missing.
- More check on “pin” parameter before send message
- The PING command is only sent if no data has been sent or received in the “heart beat” time
- Hide “Auth token” - from all log message
- Config node - Rename “Private key” to “Auth token” and better help message
- Split every node on single file
- Removed dependency from “DataView” package
- Code clean
- Rightly handles the reception of the BRIDGE type commands.
- Websocket SSL connection error on nodejs > 8.6.0 see (ws iusse #1227)