"New" Blynk No Good for Hobbyists?

So, I admit that I’ve just started playing with the “New Blynk”. But it sure looks like us hobbyists are WAY worse off than with the “Old Blynk”. With the old version, I never reached any “device limit” – there may have been one, but I only used Blynk for 5 or 6 PERSONAL projects. And we had a much wider choice of app widget types. I was more than happy to purchase “energy” so I could add more widgets to more projects. That seemed fair.

But now, it’s two devices and a miserable selection of app widgets. The next step up from here is a $7 / month subscription. You’ve got to be kidding me!!!

I understand the company wants to go after the enterprise market and make money. Great, more power to them!!! But don’t screw us hobbyist who have been here since the platform started!!!

I think it’s fair to pay for things I want. But not for a monthly subscription to create PERSONAL projects. How about bringing back something like the “energy” model and one-time purchases? So much energy to add another device … so much energy to add a widget. And at least give us the same selection of widgets we had with the old Blynk.

I’m done ranting now. Thanks for reading this.


@gfvalvo I used both options and the old was good and did what was needed and some extra goodies that were great.

The fees payable for the entry level are almost similar, the annual fees are negligible and yes have some limitations regarding users and projects. I shared you frustration and the changes that were needed really got up my nose.

if you want to keep in the “Hobby” market, have more than 1 account if necessary, this new “billing system” is a global trend, so we just going to have to get used to it.

My personal gripe - the documentation is not that good, especially when you get into the nuts and bolts of things and you spend hours hacking GitHub code :wink:

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Hi @SmsAlert. I’m not sure what you’re saying here:

Are you referring to the Old or New Blynk? I certainly don’t consider New Blynk’s $84 / year fee to be “negligible” for supporting my personal-only projects. Again, I’d really like to see an “energy model” option for non-commercial applications.

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I’m not defending Blynk’s choice of billing system for Blynk IoT, but it is understandable that they’ve gone for a subscription system rather than one-off energy purchase as it generates ongoing repeatable revenue.

I think Blynk probably learned many lessons from how they commercialised their legacy product, and obviously they’ve decided that taking a one-off energy payment then having no more income for the foreseeable future isn’t working for them.

There has clearly been a massive investment of time and money in Blynk IoT, and Blynk need to have a business plan with cash flow predictions which support that investment.

Blynk’s monthly subscription for the Plus plan is comparable to the cost of a Netflix, Amazon Prime or Spotify subscription, and those are services that many people around the world choose to subscribe to.



From a company’s stand point this is 100% right . Because they too have to maintain servers and pay their employees…. Etc etc….

Probably even you do the same if you were the Owner of blynk. @gfvalvo

Thanks to torrents :laughing:

I understand what you all are saying. But, I wonder if Blynk is missing out on a market here … non-commercial, single-developer hobbyists (like myself) who won’t pay for a monthly subscription but would gladly pay one-time, ala carte fees.

Admittedly, this is likely to be a small market revenue-wise. But their choice is getting that revenue or not. Their marginal cost of supporting this market would be essentially zero.


But, they’ve been there and tried that and it didn’t work for them (or their investors).
If people like yourself take a look at what else is out there and realise that there is very little else to compare to them, then you might come back and sign-up to a subscription. If not then they’ve lost out on a small one-off payment.

However, when you consider that there is a cost attached to taking each payment, and providing the ongoing server space and bandwidth required to service your account, the lost profit associated with you not making a one-off purchase is minimal.


Was referring to the new Blynk, you have to admit for $85 per year, you are getting quite alot, anyway, not going to push the envelope here, maybe your “gripe” could be usefull for a “hobbyist” type model that allows to upscale later, could be a good idea in future

A couple of comments here:

Blynk has been bootstrapping since day one. The only investment we got was 49k from Kickstarter. As you would understand this is a ridiculously low number for such a complex system as Blynk 1.0. Not even comparable to Blynk 2.0. In order to function, company needs to be profitable.

@gfvalvo, could you please bring valid arguments for why Blynk has to provide hobbyists with free product? Where does this expectation come from? Does Arduino give makers electronics for free? Do you have a free source of electronic components? Do you get free electricity and internet as hobbyst? I’m a hobbyst too, but nobody gives me free stuff…


Correction: I do get some free samples from hardware manufacturers :smiley:, so I guess it’s possible. All you need to do is to build an IoT company. But I still pay for Internet, damn!


Hi @Pavlo. I wasn’t looking for free, simply a different payment model for non-commercial. But, if that doesn’t work for your business, understood.


To be honest we all have been spoilt by BLYNK 1.0
That is why we are facing a hard time to settle down with BLYNK 2.0’s subscription.
But eventually we forget the legacy and start to live with 2.0…

Till then topics like this will we knocking the door.

But lots of love :two_hearts: for BLYNK 1.0 :two_hearts:

I quite agree with “gfvalvo” I liked the old system, but I am not against also paying a small monthly subscription, as Pierre says we pay well for Netfix, spotify etc … on the other hand I finds the new system much less attractive, very poor documentation, not being able to experiment with certain widgets without having a subscription. I admit that I was very enthusiastic about the first Blynk version, I am much less enthusiastic about it. I had a few projects that I may have to modify. I am currently doing tests with the free version, I hope that this will convince me to continue. Otherwise look for an alternative, but it is true that there is not much for the moment, that will change in the near future


@Pavlo I wonder if there’s scope for a free trial of the Plus subscription?
Obviously people could sign-up for a one month subscription then cancel if don’t like it, but maybe a one-off trial that either reverts back to the free subscription after the trial period ends would tempt more users to migrate to Plus?



@PeteKnight that’s in a plans.


Thank you Pete and dmitriy from my point of view version 1 could have continued for amateurs with a small price increase and version 2 reserved for professional applications, but I understand maintaining both platforms at a cost


Yes, the energy model was best for hobbyists. I might pay $5 per month; but the limit to 10 devices is a no go. I have 4 temp humidity sensors alone. A pool pump current monitor, a septic system monitor, a pool PH/ORP monitor with more ideas. I’m going to have to figure out some other solution. Ugh. I definitely can’t live with the free version. I’ll be busy with whatever I find and less likely to branch off into something commercial with Blynk in retirement I suppose.


You should look at Node-Red.
If you use MQTT messaging to exchange data between your devices and Node-Red, then install the Blynk plug-in for Node-Red then you have the best of both worlds - Blynk sees a smaller number of devices (just one if you wish) and you still get to use Blynk as your front-end.

MQTT really is the best way to run a home automation setup, and Node-Red acts as the rules-engine.



Arduino IOT looks the same and has better pricing for Hobbiest. $2.99 per month and 10 devices. I think I can live with that.


Ah. Nice. Have one device connected to the cloud. I’ll check it out!