New Blynk Library Release v0.5.3

This is probably more a Lounge topic :slight_smile: no need to promote the competition after all… but I did bring it up and @vshymanskyy did ask :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“best” is the wrong discriper… just different. And I most certainly am not changing… however, I am working on combining :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have successfully ran a script on a single NodeMCU that uses both Blynk and Virtuino… allowing me to mix and match my desired custom static display options using Virtuino’s widgets that seem a bit nicer (to me) than some of Blynk’s (for a cross room visual readability)… but I still have all the overwhelming larger widget quantity and IoT features of Blynk.

The documentation is poor… but the base process is very similar to Blynk with; and virtuino.vMemoryWrite(12, counter); // write counter to virtual pin V12 type commands.

I admit it… that is one of the drawing features… I really like the rotating knob/slider widget and the nice looking round needle gauge… and the scalably LARGE text option (as long as you like the 7 segment look) but some of the in-widget colour schemes are not customisable (i.e. needle & text).

And it has an image widget!!! (Pro only)

Of course I am only using the free version… I have no idea what all the pro version widgets look like… and even at only $10.99 CanadianTire Buckazoids I will have to wait awhile to justify it.

BT or WiFi with direct network (device as AP or via router) connection and no server (but apparently a virtual device in the App can act as a server in the Pro version).


thank you for your explanation
the best thing for this app is to be able to use both portrait and landscape mode
that’s really what it misses most from BLYNK


How to add more “likes”?? Maybe that way: :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Hi all,

I’ve noticed that devices running library version 0.5.3 don’t show up on the Library Versions tab under Hardware Info on my local server.

I’ve got five ESP8266’s running Blynk - two running library 0.5.2 which are displayed on the Hardware Info tab but the remaining three that are running 0.5.3 are not displayed.


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It’s a toast message, if your virtuino app is running in background it could somehow produce a toast, but that is not a correct way to show such things on Android. Blynk app is almost not using toasts (there are just several places where we left them).

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I concur… NO 0.5.3 version hardware is displaying in my Admin page either

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@ThatGuy_ZA @Gunner Fixed with


A post was split to a new topic: Blynk v0.5.3 with TinyGSM 0.3.5 libraries, modem does not respond