New Android Release 2.19.1


Gif is a bit too fast :slight_smile:
Can someone advise how far the digits scroll down to. I can see 5 but does it go any further?

maximum now - 5 digits after the point

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Please, don’t tell me you need more :slight_smile:


My requirement is for zero dp, as per my GitHub post, but I know someone that might want more eh @tulo ?

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@Dmitriy opps, now you need to allow the MIN/MAX to go up to more than 2 decimals… otherwise even at 0.99 it is almost impossible to accurately adjust finer than hundredths… @tulo still can’t have super resolution :slight_smile:

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That would be changed later when we will decide on the widgets, where we could allow more numbers after the point.

That’s fine for me… but so you know… having the slider any higher then the 2, perhaps 3, decimals is almost impossible to adjust until that happens.

i :heart_eyes: this.


What’s the property to set for the digits?
@Gunner yeah I agree on the min/max.

Do you mean support for changing this field via set property command?

You referring to the App or the Blynk.setProperty()… if the latter, I don’t think there is one yet… it would have to come as a Library or possibly Server update.


That would be available later with a server update also. And also support for 5 digits after the point in min/max for Slider only.


Thanks for this, now my UI looks how I wanted it to look. :ok_hand:

could you elaborate what this means? i can use device selector on super chart and still can visualise the archived values?

There is a link in that line to a specific thread here

i see now. on the pc. but - for an unknown reason, the links are not highlighted on my android phone :frowning:

It was already possible to use device selector with super chart. There was only a bug on the “live” option.

Thanks. Otherwise that would be pointless IMO :wink: