New Android Release 2.15.0

What’s new?

  1. New SuperChart widget;
  2. Android O support and fixes;
  3. Slider, Step and Table widgets fixes;
  4. Project’s shortcuts fixes;

Documentation regarding new graph - Work in progress still.
iOS update will come in few days. Under Apple review right now.


Awesome! @Eugene, any chance you could push the update to TestFlight ?

3 posts were split to a new topic: Noticing some strange issues with settings and visuals in new SuperGraph

The Font Size of slider and graph is too small you mean it became small in latest version or always was small?

@Costas @Gunner @Jamin @mikekgr @psoro @wanek @Dema323 so how is new graph for you? Do you like it? Some pros/cons? Maybe improvements?


so far i could afford very little testing (because of time). it seems interesting, however.
maybe this week i can make more tests and report.

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I am super happy about the graph, the clarity and individual x-axis per Datastream makes it much better when viewing said multiple Datastreams. I no longer have to have 4 History graphs for clarity and keep scrolling to see them all.

I did notice that the font scaling does not seem to have any affect on anything that I can see

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Could you please tell me you device model?

Issue, or lack of, is on all of them… so far only using a Nexus6, Galaxy Tab 10.1 & MEmu Emulator(s).

PS, and just checked my Galaxy Note 8… all show the same legend font size.

@Dmitriy yes dual axis, full screen and crisper styling are big improvements.

As an additional feature how about the server automatically emailing the account holder a day or two before the 3 months maximum data storage is up? Just so Blynkers can export any data they require to csv files.

P.S. font resizing doesn’t appear to work on my phone either. Will check another phone.

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Already in todo list. We are thinking about scheduled reports as part of SuperGraph widget.

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I like it ! Same reasons as Gunner, don’t need to use multiple history graphs, and it looks really cool.Only 1 con but thats maybe because i haven’t found i yet but it seems there are no numbers ?
Il show it with a picture because i forgot what they are called.

Apart from that i love it !

They are visible in full screen. But you can also long press on the graph and it will bring up a “marker” that you can scroll around with to see info at precise points.

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Oh wow ! Thanks :stuck_out_tongue:
But still might be nice to add them to the small screen ? :grin:


Only good for you young punks who can still see… shouldn’t you be out tagging some graffiti or something, not asking intelligent questions :smiley:

Nah, im waiting for my bits for the cnc and some smd parts. So i have nothing to do apart from studying for my entry exame :joy:

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Correction font resizing does work on both my phones for the SuperGraph name. @Dmitriy does the legend not resize?

I also think it would be good to see the axis details in portrait mode.

Being able to disable connecting data points is quite useful too. I can see at a glance that there was a break in the green rectangle.

@Dmitriy however the scrolling left and right is not working correctly, at least in the 6h plot. In the screenshot you will see I have two 3am’s and the actual data outage appears to have been around 5.00am from the 1h and 1d plots not 00:30 as shown by the 6h plot.