Need Support with Arduino Wifi Rev2 and BlynkCloud

I’m a bit confused by your response.
You appear to have managed to get past the compiler error to a point where you were able to upload the code and are now getting an “ Invalid auth token” message.

Am I missing something here?


Also, there is another option…

You could use the Rev2 boards to send/receive data to/from a computer running an MQTT broker and Node-Red. This could then link to Blynk via the Blynk plug-in for Node-Red.

The MQTT broker/Node-Red server could run an a Windows machine on your network, which could be a fairly basic spec.

This is the basis for my home automation systems (although I use a Raspberry Pi as my broker/server rather than a Windows machine). The Mosquitto MQTT broker and Node-Red are all free, as is the Blynk plug-in for Node-Red.


Hi Pete,

thanks a lot - specifically for sending me insights in your home automation project. Really interesting.
Regarding your first statement: I get the code compiled and uploaded, but only with Blynk library version 0.61. But this comes with an invalid auth. token message. I also found certain posts regarding this where the conclusion was made, that at least Blynk library version 1 (or higher) has to be installed for getting a valid connection to Well, here starts the problem: neither Blynik library 1.0 nor 1.01 works - it stops with above shown compiling errors.
Thanks again and with best wishes to you

Yes, that makes sense now.
The 0.6.1 library won’t work with the new servers, so when it connects to the old servers it can’t find your project because it doesn’t exist there.


Thanks, Pete !

Hi Pete,
even though I dint want I was spending quite some time yesterday with forensic work on the Blynk libraries (latest version, 1.01) to find why Arduino Wifi Rev2 can not work with Blynk.Cloud and Blynk library (>ver 0.61). Looking at the specific error during compliation I got I was able to identify one specific library:BlynkParam.h inside …Arduino\libraries\Blynk\src\Blynk
The library BlynkParam.h shows two lines of code: return atoll () but in fact atoll does not exist, it is return atol (). When changing two entries in this specific library (return atoll(buff) to return atol(buff)) my Arduino wifi was up and running I got an email from your Maria stating that my device is online, I see my device in the cloud and I was able to upload your demo code Blynk Simple Demo with successfull mobile app interaction. May I ask you to verify if atoll () was indeed a spelling error and should be replaced by atol(). At least it worked well for me. Thanks, Andreas


Excellent work!

@vshymanskyy - for info… (hope you are okay by the way :heart:)


1 Like

Thanks so much.
Looking forward for an interesting project now with my students.
All the best to all of you

hello! i’ve followed your steps and edited the codes but it shows this.

Arduino: 1.8.19 (Mac OS X), Board: “Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2, ATMEGA328”

BlynkParam1_test:16:10: fatal error: Blynk/BlynkParam1_test.h: No such file or directory
#include <Blynk/BlynkParam1_test.h>
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Blynk/BlynkParam1_test.h: No such file or directory

This report would have more information with
“Show verbose output during compilation”
option enabled in File → Preferences.

@hellosnakie all you have to do is go to blynk/src/blynk/blynkparam.h file then use any text editing software for example notepad++ to replace atoll with atol.
You can use find and replace feature to replace all atolls with a single button click.

hello @John93! thank you for your prompt reply. i’ve replaced all “atoll” with “atol” & the error still persists. :frowning:

Arduino: 1.8.19 (Mac OS X), Board: “Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2, ATMEGA328”

BlynkParam:16:10: fatal error: Blynk/BlynkConfig.h: No such file or directory

  • #include <Blynk/BlynkConfig.h>*
  •      ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Blynk/BlynkConfig.h: No such file or directory

This report would have more information with
“Show verbose output during compilation”
option enabled in File → Preferences.

#ifndef BlynkParam_h
#define BlynkParam_h

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <Blynk/BlynkConfig.h>
#include <Blynk/BlynkDebug.h>

#define BLYNK_PARAM_KV(k, v) k "\0" v "\0"
#define BLYNK_PARAM_PLACEHOLDER_64 "PlaceholderPlaceholderPlaceholderPlaceholderPlaceholderPlaceholder"

#if !defined(BLYNK_NO_FLOAT)
extern char*        dtostrf_internal(double number, signed char width, unsigned char prec, char *s);

#if !defined(BLYNK_NO_LONGLONG)
extern long long    atol_internal(const char *s);

class BlynkParam
    class iterator
        iterator(const char* c, const char* l) : ptr(c), limit(l) {}
        static iterator invalid() { return iterator(NULL, NULL); }

        operator const char* () const   { return asStr(); }
        operator int () const           { return asInt(); }
        const char* asStr() const       { return ptr; }
        const char* asString() const    { return ptr; }
        int         asInt() const       { if(!isValid()) return 0; return atoi(ptr); }
        long        asLong() const      { if(!isValid()) return 0; return atol(ptr); }
        long long   asLongLong() const  { return atol_internal(ptr); }
#elif !defined(BLYNK_NO_LONGLONG)
        long long   asLongLong() const  { return atol(ptr); }
#if !defined(BLYNK_NO_FLOAT)
        double      asDouble() const    { if(!isValid()) return 0; return atof(ptr); }
        float       asFloat() const     { if(!isValid()) return 0; return atof(ptr); }
        bool isValid() const            { return ptr != NULL && ptr < limit; }
        bool isEmpty() const            { if(!isValid()) return true; return *ptr == '\0'; }

        bool operator <  (const iterator& it) const { return ptr < it.ptr; }
        bool operator >= (const iterator& it) const { return ptr >= it.ptr; }

        iterator& operator ++() {
            if(isValid()) {
                ptr += strlen(ptr) + 1;
            return *this;
        const char* ptr;
        const char* limit;

    BlynkParam(const void* addr, size_t length)
        : buff((char*)addr), len(length), buff_size(length)

    BlynkParam(void* addr, size_t length, size_t buffsize)
        : buff((char*)addr), len(length), buff_size(buffsize)

    const char* asStr() const       { return buff; }
    const char* asString() const    { return buff; }
    int         asInt() const       { return atoi(buff); }
    long        asLong() const      { return atol(buff); }
    long long   asLongLong() const  { return atol_internal(buff); }
#elif !defined(BLYNK_NO_LONGLONG)
    long long   asLongLong() const  { return atol(buff); }
#if !defined(BLYNK_NO_FLOAT)
    double      asDouble() const    { return atof(buff); }
    float       asFloat() const     { return atof(buff); }
    bool isEmpty() const            { return *buff == '\0'; }

    iterator begin() const { return iterator(buff, buff+len); }
    iterator end() const   { return iterator(buff+len, buff+len); }

    iterator operator[](int index) const;
    iterator operator[](const char* key) const;

    void*  getBuffer() const { return (void*)buff; }
    size_t getLength() const { return len; }
    size_t getBuffSize() const { return buff_size; }

    // Modification
    void clear() { len = 0; }

    void add(int value);
    void add(unsigned int value);
    void add(long value);
    void add(unsigned long value);
    void add(long long value);
    void add(unsigned long long value);
    void add(float value);
    void add(double value);
    void add(const char* str);
    void add(const void* b, size_t l);
#if defined(ARDUINO) || defined(SPARK) || defined(PARTICLE)
    void add(const String& str);
#if defined(BLYNK_HAS_PROGMEM)
    void add(const __FlashStringHelper* str);

    template<typename T, typename... Args>
    void add_multi(T last) {

    template<typename T, typename... Args>
    void add_multi(T head, Args... tail) {

    template <typename TV>
    void add_key(const char* key, const TV& val) {

    void remove_key(const char* key);

    char*    buff;
    size_t   len;
    size_t   buff_size;

class BlynkParamAllocated
    : public BlynkParam
    BlynkParamAllocated(size_t size)
        : BlynkParam(malloc(size), 0, size)
    ~BlynkParamAllocated() {

BlynkParam::iterator BlynkParam::operator[](int index) const
    const iterator e = end();
    for (iterator it = begin(); it < e; ++it) {
        if (!index--) {
            return it;
    return iterator::invalid();

BlynkParam::iterator BlynkParam::operator[](const char* key) const
    const iterator e = end();
    for (iterator it = begin(); it < e; ++it) {
        if (!strcmp(it.asStr(), key)) {
            return ++it;
        if (it >= e) break;
    return iterator::invalid();

void BlynkParam::remove_key(const char* key)
    bool found;
    do {
        found = false;
        const iterator e = end();
        for (iterator it = begin(); it < e; ++it) {
            if (!strcmp(it.asStr(), key)) {
                const char* key = it.asStr();
                ++it; ++it;
                const char* next = it.asStr();
                memmove((void*)key, next, (buff+len)-next);
                len -= (next-key);
                found = true;
            if (it >= e) break;
    } while (found);

void BlynkParam::add(const void* b, size_t l)
    if (len + l > buff_size)
    memcpy(buff+len, b, l);
    len += l;

void BlynkParam::add(const char* str)
    if (str == NULL) {
        buff[len++] = '\0';
    add(str, strlen(str)+1);

#if defined(ARDUINO) || defined(SPARK) || defined(PARTICLE)
void BlynkParam::add(const String& str)
    || defined(__ARDUINO_X86__) \
    || defined(__RFduino__)

    size_t len = str.length()+1;
    char buff[len];
    const_cast<String&>(str).toCharArray(buff, len);
    add(buff, len);

#if defined(BLYNK_HAS_PROGMEM)

void BlynkParam::add(const __FlashStringHelper* ifsh)
    PGM_P p = reinterpret_cast<PGM_P>(ifsh);
    size_t l = strlen_P(p) + 1;
    if (len + l > buff_size)
    memcpy_P(buff+len, p, l);
    len += l;
    buff[len] = '\0';



#if defined(__AVR__) || defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_ARC32)

    #include <stdlib.h>

    void BlynkParam::add(int value)
        char str[2 + 8 * sizeof(value)];
        itoa(value, str, 10);

    void BlynkParam::add(unsigned int value)
        char str[1 + 8 * sizeof(value)];
        utoa(value, str, 10);

    void BlynkParam::add(long value)
        char str[2 + 8 * sizeof(value)];
        ltoa(value, str, 10);

    void BlynkParam::add(unsigned long value)
        char str[1 + 8 * sizeof(value)];
        ultoa(value, str, 10);

    void BlynkParam::add(long long value)  // TODO: this currently adds just a long
        char str[2 + 8 * sizeof(value)];
        ltoa(value, str, 10);

    void BlynkParam::add(unsigned long long value) // TODO: this currently adds just a long
        char str[1 + 8 * sizeof(value)];
        ultoa(value, str, 10);


    void BlynkParam::add(float value)
        char str[33];
        dtostrf(value, 5, 3, str);

    void BlynkParam::add(double value)
        char str[33];
        dtostrf(value, 5, 7, str);


    #include <stdio.h>

    void BlynkParam::add(int value)
        len += snprintf(buff+len, buff_size-len, "%i", value)+1;

    void BlynkParam::add(unsigned int value)
        len += snprintf(buff+len, buff_size-len, "%u", value)+1;

    void BlynkParam::add(long value)
        len += snprintf(buff+len, buff_size-len, "%li", value)+1;

    void BlynkParam::add(unsigned long value)
        len += snprintf(buff+len, buff_size-len, "%lu", value)+1;

    void BlynkParam::add(long long value)
        len += snprintf(buff+len, buff_size-len, "%lli", value)+1;

    void BlynkParam::add(unsigned long long value)
        len += snprintf(buff+len, buff_size-len, "%llu", value)+1;



    void BlynkParam::add(float value)
        char str[33];
        dtostrf_internal(value, 5, 3, str);

    void BlynkParam::add(double value)
        char str[33];
        dtostrf_internal(value, 5, 7, str);


    void BlynkParam::add(float value)
        len += snprintf(buff+len, buff_size-len, "%2.3f", value)+1;

    void BlynkParam::add(double value)
        len += snprintf(buff+len, buff_size-len, "%2.7f", value)+1;





Here’s the modified file

@hellosnakie Please edit your post, using the pencil icon at the bottom, and add triple backticks at the beginning and end of your code so that it displays correctly.
Triple backticks look like this:


@PeteKnight noted!

@John93 thank you for your reply! :slight_smile: I’ve used the modified file attached but the following error still exists. (line 16 showed in the screenshot attached)

Arduino: 1.8.19 (Mac OS X), Board: “Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2, ATMEGA328”

BlynkParam:16:10: fatal error: Blynk/BlynkConfig.h: No such file or directory
#include <Blynk/BlynkConfig.h>
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Blynk/BlynkConfig.h: No such file or directory

This report would have more information with
“Show verbose output during compilation”
option enabled in File → Preferences.

Have you tried uninstall/reinstall ?

@John93 the blynk library on Arduino?

Blynk library.

hello! i’ve uninstalled and reinstalled blynk library but the same error as my previous post still persists…

I just tried it, everything is working properly.
You’re using the latest version of blynk library right ?