Need help to know if i can connect Both esp8266 and hc-o5

The same way that you created the one for the ESP-01.

That’s a bad approach. It’s very unlikely that each individual light will be wired back to your consumer unit. You’d be better having individual lights controlled by devices like Sonoffs or Shelly devices that contain a relay and ESP8266 device.

Yes, I’d expect the battery to last for around 1 day with this setup.

The NodeMCU is like an Arduino with a built-in WiFi chip, but it has more memory and more processing power than the Arduino - and it’s much cheaper and much smaller.

Personally, I think Bluetooth is a very poor technology to choose for this project. If you want to use a hand-held remote then 433MHz is a better choice in my opinion, as there are many off the shelf remotes available that solve the battery life issue. Items like this:

and wireless light switches like these:

I use 433MHz and Sonoff/Shelly type devices, plus the Blynk app and Amazon Alexa to control the lights and other items in my house and my holiday home. This combination works very well for me…
