Local server starts but I cant login

I lost my old computer. It got shocked with lightning strike. Very exciting.

So I decided to use Linux MINT as my new platform. The install went as easy as could be expected. The server started and I opened the ports on the router. I went to the admin web portal and it opened. I attempted to login but that is were I am stuck. I set the server.properties

Not sure why this does not work…

I also tried to login via the blynk app on my phone without any luck,

Any help will be appreciated.

Here is a copy of the log

12:49:04.269 INFO - Using data dir ‘blynk-data’
12:49:04.295 DEBUG- Starting reading user DB.
12:49:04.516 DEBUG- Reading user DB finished.
12:49:04.517 INFO - Region : local. Host : *.blynk.cc.
12:49:04.541 INFO - Using native epoll transport.
12:49:04.804 INFO - Initializing gmail smtp mail transport. Username : [REDACTED]. SMTP host : smtp.gmail.com:587
12:49:04.833 INFO - Reports : 0
12:49:04.834 INFO - Didn’t find Let’s Encrypt certificates.
12:49:04.834 INFO - Automatic certificate generation is turned ON.
12:49:04.834 INFO - Using native openSSL provider.
12:49:04.834 WARN - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths (cert : ‘/home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/./server_embedded.crt’, key : ‘/home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/./server_embedded.pem’) not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
12:49:05.259 DEBUG- hard.socket.idle.timeout = 10
12:49:05.286 INFO - HTTP API and WebSockets server listening at 8080 port.
12:49:05.287 INFO - HTTPS API, WebSockets and Admin page server listening at 9443 port.
12:49:05.288 INFO - Mqtt hardware server listening at 8440 port.
12:49:37.758 DEBUG- Unsecured connection attempt or not supported protocol. Channel : / Reason : javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: error:10000412:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:SSLV3_ALERT_BAD_CERTIFICATE
12:49:41.646 TRACE- HTTPS connection detected.
12:49:41.700 TRACE- Mapping from /admin to /admin
12:49:41.700 TRACE- In http and websocket unificator handler.
12:49:41.704 TRACE- Initialized admin pipeline. [SslHandler#0, HttpsServerCodec, HttpsServerKeepAlive, HttpsObjectAggregator, HttpChunkedWrite, HttpUrlMapper, UploadHandler#0, OTAHandler#0, AdminAuthHandler#0, AuthCookieHandler#0, CookieBasedUrlReWriterHandler#0, StaticFileHandler#0, OTALogic#0, UsersLogic#0, StatsLogic#0, ConfigsLogic#0, HardwareStatsLogic#0, HttpAPILogic#0, NoMatchHandler#0, DefaultChannelPipeline$TailContext#0]
12:49:41.705 TRACE- Is unpacked.
12:49:41.705 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/login.html
12:49:41.742 TRACE- Mapping from /static/css/blynk.css to /static/css/blynk.css
12:49:41.743 TRACE- Is unpacked.
12:49:41.743 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/css/blynk.css
12:49:41.755 TRACE- Mapping from /static/js/enc-base64-min.js to /static/js/enc-base64-min.js
12:49:41.755 TRACE- Is unpacked.
12:49:41.755 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/js/enc-base64-min.js
12:49:41.783 TRACE- HTTPS connection detected.
12:49:41.784 TRACE- Mapping from /static/js/sha256-min.js to /static/js/sha256-min.js
12:49:41.784 TRACE- Is unpacked.
12:49:41.784 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/js/sha256-min.js
12:49:41.807 TRACE- HTTPS connection detected.
12:49:41.808 TRACE- Mapping from /static/js/login.js to /static/js/login.js
12:49:41.809 TRACE- Is unpacked.
12:49:41.809 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/js/login.js
12:49:41.809 TRACE- HTTPS connection detected.
12:49:41.811 TRACE- HTTPS connection detected.
12:49:41.811 TRACE- Mapping from /static/js/jquery-2.2.2.min.js to /static/js/jquery-2.2.2.min.js
12:49:41.811 TRACE- Is unpacked.
12:49:41.811 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/js/jquery-2.2.2.min.js
12:49:41.811 TRACE- Mapping from /static/js/core-min.js to /static/js/core-min.js
12:49:41.812 TRACE- Is unpacked.
12:49:41.812 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/js/core-min.js
12:49:41.823 TRACE- HTTPS connection detected.
12:49:41.825 TRACE- Mapping from /static/js/bootstrap.min.js to /static/js/bootstrap.min.js
12:49:41.826 TRACE- Is unpacked.
12:49:41.826 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/js/bootstrap.min.js
12:49:41.895 TRACE- Mapping from /favicon.ico to /static/favicon.ico
12:49:41.895 TRACE- Is unpacked.
12:49:41.895 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/favicon.ico
12:49:45.585 TRACE- Mapping from /admin/login to /admin/login
12:49:45.585 TRACE- In http and websocket unificator handler.
12:49:45.586 TRACE- Initialized admin pipeline. [SslHandler#0, HttpsServerCodec, HttpsServerKeepAlive, HttpsObjectAggregator, HttpChunkedWrite, HttpUrlMapper, UploadHandler#0, OTAHandler#0, AdminAuthHandler#0, AuthCookieHandler#0, CookieBasedUrlReWriterHandler#0, StaticFileHandler#0, OTALogic#0, UsersLogic#0, StatsLogic#0, ConfigsLogic#0, HardwareStatsLogic#0, HttpAPILogic#0, NoMatchHandler#0, DefaultChannelPipeline$TailContext#0]
12:49:45.587 DEBUG- POST : /admin/login
12:49:45.598 TRACE- Mapping from /admin to /admin
12:49:45.598 TRACE- Is unpacked.
12:49:45.598 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/login.html
12:49:49.076 TRACE- Mapping from /admin/login to /admin/login
12:49:49.076 DEBUG- POST : /admin/login
12:49:49.079 TRACE- Mapping from /admin to /admin
12:49:49.079 TRACE- Is unpacked.
12:49:49.079 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/login.html

I also set the rules for the firewall as follows.

sudo ufw allow 9443
sudo ufw allow 8080
sudo ufw allow 8443
sudo ufw allow 80
sudo ufw allow 443

I also tried it with the firewall disabled

There was no change.

Guess I am on my own,

Hi Mike, you lost me at …

I’m afraid :thinking:

My only suggestion would be to ensure that your server.properties file contains this line:


to ensure that the admin can log in from any IP address.


Well, it’s the holiday season! :slight_smile:

I’m a kind of guy that like my logs neat and clean, without errors and warnings. Pete might not agree with me, but I would fix the certificate issues first. If nothing else, to rule them out!

In a recent post @PeteKnight said something worth mentioning again*:

That file has 45 parameters in it, and you’ve chosen to incorporate 7 of them into your server.properties file.
Is there any logical process that you followed when choosing to omit the other 38 entries, and don’t you think that this may have a bearing on your inability to access the admin portal?

So, what does your server.properties looks like?

*Pete says many things worth repeating, all the time!

server properties

#hardware mqtt port

#http, plain web sockets and plain hardware port

#if this property is true csv download url will use port 80 and will ignore http.port

#if this property is true redirect_command will use 80 port and will ignore http.port

#secured https, web sockets and app port

#address to bind to. by default bounded to all interfaces

#by default server uses embedded in jar cert to simplify local server installation.
#provide either full path to files either use ‘.’ for specifying current directory. For instance “./myfile.crt”
#points to cert and key in folder with running jar.


#by default System.getProperty(“java.io.tmpdir”)/blynk used

#folder for logs.

#log debug level. trace|debug|info|error. Defines how precise logging will be.

#maximum number of devices allowed per account

#maximum number of tags allowed per account

#defines maximum allowed number of user dashboards. Needed to limit possible number of tokens.

#defines maximum allowed widget size in KBs as json string.

#user is limited with 100 messages per second.

#maximum allowed number of notification queue. Queue responsible for processing email, pushes, twits sending.
#Because of performance issue - those queue is processed in separate thread, this is required due
#to blocking nature of all above operations. Usually limit shouldn’t be reached.

#Number of threads for performing blocking operations - push, twits, emails, db queries.
#Recommended to hold this value low unless you have to perform a lot of blocking operations.

#this setting defines how often we can send mail/tweet/push or any other notification. Specified in seconds

#this setting defines how often we can send webhooks. Specified in miliseconds

#this setting defines how big could be response for webhook GET request. Specified in kbs

#maximum size of user profile in kb’s

#number of strings to store in terminal widget

#number of strings to store in map widget

#number of strings to store in lcd widget

#maximum number of rows allowed

#period in millis for saving all user DB to disk.

#period in millis for saving stats to disk.

#max size of web request in bytes, 256 kb (256x1024) is default

#maximum number of points that are fetched during CSV export
#43200 == 60 * 24 * 30 - minutes points for 1 month

#specifies maximum period of time when hardware socket could be idle. After which
#socket will be closed due to non activity. In seconds. Default value 10 if not provided.
#leave it empty for infinity timeout

#enable DB

#enable raw data storage to DB

#size of async logger ring buffer. should be increased for loads >2-3k req/sec

#when true - allows reading worker to trigger hardware even app is offline

#when enabled server will also store hardware and app IP

#initial amount of energy



#used for reset password page and certificate generation.
#by default current server IP is taken. could be replaced with more friendly hostname.
#it is recommended to override this property with your server IP to avoid possible problems of host resolving

#used for fallback page for reset user password, in most cases it should be the same as server.host
#IP is not allowed here, it should be blynk-cloud.com for Blynk app
#or .blynk.cc for private servers with own apps


#email used for certificate registration, could be omitted in case you already specified it in mail.properties
contact.email=removed for security

#network interface to determine server’s current IP.
#only the first characters of the interface’s name are needed.
#the default setting eth will use the first ethX interface found (i.e. eth0)

#comma separated list of administrator IPs. allow access to admin UI only for those IPs.
#you may set it for to allow access for all.
#you may use CIDR notation. For instance,

default admin name and password. that will be created on initial server start


Looks like a standard configuration… Can’t really see any big problems! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Leave this parameter blank. Don’t know if it will do any good, but just in case.

I’m kinda out off ideas… All that’s left is your certs.

Anyhow, happy new year!

tried it both ways

Are you restarting the Blynk server after each change? I think the server.properties file is only read when the server starts-up.

My listen.address is also blank…



Yes I exit and restart the server.
I now have the listen address empty. But there is no change that I can detect.

here is the latest log after two attempts to login

09:57:48.847 INFO - Using data dir ‘blynk-data’
09:57:48.872 DEBUG- Starting reading user DB.
09:57:49.092 DEBUG- Reading user DB finished.
09:57:49.093 INFO - Region : local. Host : *.blynk.cc.
09:57:49.117 INFO - Using native epoll transport.
09:57:49.377 INFO - Initializing gmail smtp mail transport. Username : removed. SMTP host : smtp.gmail.com:587
09:57:49.406 INFO - Reports : 0
09:57:49.408 INFO - Didn’t find Let’s Encrypt certificates.
09:57:49.408 INFO - Automatic certificate generation is turned ON.
09:57:49.408 INFO - Using native openSSL provider.
09:57:49.408 WARN - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths (cert : ‘/home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/./server_embedded.crt’, key : ‘/home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/./server_embedded.pem’) not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
09:57:49.974 DEBUG- hard.socket.idle.timeout = 10
09:57:50.000 INFO - HTTP API and WebSockets server listening at 8080 port.
09:57:50.001 INFO - HTTPS API, WebSockets and Admin page server listening at 9443 port.
09:57:50.002 INFO - Mqtt hardware server listening at 8440 port.
10:00:11.592 DEBUG- Unsecured connection attempt or not supported protocol. Channel : / Reason : javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: error:10000412:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:SSLV3_ALERT_BAD_CERTIFICATE
10:00:20.350 TRACE- HTTPS connection detected.
10:00:20.372 TRACE- Mapping from /admin/login to /admin/login
10:00:20.372 TRACE- In http and websocket unificator handler.
10:00:20.376 TRACE- Initialized admin pipeline. [SslHandler#0, HttpsServerCodec, HttpsServerKeepAlive, HttpsObjectAggregator, HttpChunkedWrite, HttpUrlMapper, UploadHandler#0, OTAHandler#0, AdminAuthHandler#0, AuthCookieHandler#0, CookieBasedUrlReWriterHandler#0, StaticFileHandler#0, OTALogic#0, UsersLogic#0, StatsLogic#0, ConfigsLogic#0, HardwareStatsLogic#0, HttpAPILogic#0, NoMatchHandler#0, DefaultChannelPipeline$TailContext#0]
10:00:20.376 DEBUG- POST : /admin/login
10:00:20.387 TRACE- Mapping from /admin to /admin
10:00:20.388 TRACE- Is unpacked.
10:00:20.388 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/login.html
10:00:20.436 TRACE- Mapping from /static/css/blynk.css to /static/css/blynk.css
10:00:20.436 TRACE- Is unpacked.
10:00:20.436 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/css/blynk.css
10:00:20.463 TRACE- Mapping from /static/js/login.js to /static/js/login.js
10:00:20.463 TRACE- Is unpacked.
10:00:20.463 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/js/login.js
10:00:20.479 TRACE- HTTPS connection detected.
10:00:20.480 TRACE- Mapping from /static/js/jquery-2.2.2.min.js to /static/js/jquery-2.2.2.min.js
10:00:20.481 TRACE- Is unpacked.
10:00:20.481 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/js/jquery-2.2.2.min.js
10:00:20.504 TRACE- HTTPS connection detected.
10:00:20.504 TRACE- HTTPS connection detected.
10:00:20.505 TRACE- Mapping from /static/js/core-min.js to /static/js/core-min.js
10:00:20.505 TRACE- Mapping from /static/js/bootstrap.min.js to /static/js/bootstrap.min.js
10:00:20.505 TRACE- Is unpacked.
10:00:20.505 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/js/core-min.js
10:00:20.508 TRACE- Is unpacked.
10:00:20.508 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/js/bootstrap.min.js
10:00:20.529 TRACE- HTTPS connection detected.
10:00:20.530 TRACE- Mapping from /static/js/enc-base64-min.js to /static/js/enc-base64-min.js
10:00:20.530 TRACE- Is unpacked.
10:00:20.530 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/js/enc-base64-min.js
10:00:20.547 TRACE- HTTPS connection detected.
10:00:20.549 TRACE- Mapping from /static/js/sha256-min.js to /static/js/sha256-min.js
10:00:20.550 TRACE- Is unpacked.
10:00:20.550 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/js/sha256-min.js
10:00:20.574 TRACE- Mapping from /favicon.ico to /static/favicon.ico
10:00:20.574 TRACE- Is unpacked.
10:00:20.574 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/favicon.ico
10:00:22.626 TRACE- Mapping from /admin/login to /admin/login
10:00:22.626 TRACE- In http and websocket unificator handler.
10:00:22.627 TRACE- Initialized admin pipeline. [SslHandler#0, HttpsServerCodec, HttpsServerKeepAlive, HttpsObjectAggregator, HttpChunkedWrite, HttpUrlMapper, UploadHandler#0, OTAHandler#0, AdminAuthHandler#0, AuthCookieHandler#0, CookieBasedUrlReWriterHandler#0, StaticFileHandler#0, OTALogic#0, UsersLogic#0, StatsLogic#0, ConfigsLogic#0, HardwareStatsLogic#0, HttpAPILogic#0, NoMatchHandler#0, DefaultChannelPipeline$TailContext#0]
10:00:22.628 DEBUG- POST : /admin/login
10:00:22.632 TRACE- Mapping from /admin to /admin
10:00:22.632 TRACE- Is unpacked.
10:00:22.632 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/login.html
10:00:23.540 TRACE- Mapping from /admin/login to /admin/login
10:00:23.540 DEBUG- POST : /admin/login
10:00:23.550 TRACE- Mapping from /admin to /admin
10:00:23.550 TRACE- Is unpacked.
10:00:23.550 TRACE- Getting file from path /home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/static/login.html

So what do you actually see on screen when you attempt to log in to the admin panel via the browser?


And the sign-in attempt returns what message?


no message

Okay, I’ve changed my logging level to match yours. If i try to log-in with the wrong credentials then I get pretty-much the same result as you…

TRACE- Initialized admin pipeline. [SslHandler#0, HttpsServerCodec, HttpsServerKeepAlive, HttpsObjectAggregator, HttpChunkedWrite, HttpUrlMapper, UploadHandler#0, OTAHandler#0, AdminAuthHandler#0, AuthCookieHandler#0, CookieBasedUrlReWriterHandler#0, StaticFileHandler#0, OTALogic#0, UsersLogic#0, StatsLogic#0, ConfigsLogic#0, HardwareStatsLogic#0, HttpAPILogic#0, NoMatchHandler#0, DefaultChannelPipeline$TailContext#0]
DEBUG- POST : /admin/login
TRACE- Mapping from /admin to /admin
TRACE- Is unpacked.

With the correct credentials I get an extra line that says “DEBUG- Admin login is successful. Redirecting to /admin” …

TRACE- Initialized admin pipeline. [SslHandler#0, HttpsServerCodec, HttpsServerKeepAlive, HttpsObjectAggregator, HttpChunkedWrite, HttpUrlMapper, UploadHandler#0, OTAHandler#0, AdminAuthHandler#0, AuthCookieHandler#0, CookieBasedUrlReWriterHandler#0, StaticFileHandler#0, OTALogic#0, UsersLogic#0, StatsLogic#0, ConfigsLogic#0, HardwareStatsLogic#0, HttpAPILogic#0, NoMatchHandler#0, DefaultChannelPipeline$TailContext#0]
DEBUG- POST : /admin/login
DEBUG- Admin login is successful. Redirecting to /admin
TRACE- Mapping from /admin to /admin
TRACE- Is unpacked.

It seems that the credentials aren’t being recognised as valid.

Is there any possibility that your server.credentials file isn’t actually being recognised, or that you have another one somewhere (maybe hidden) that is being used, with different credentials in it?

I guess one way to test this is to change your logging level from trace to debug and re-start your server then check the logs. If the TRACE entries disappear and you only have INFO and DEBUG entries then what you think is the correct server.properties file is being used.

You could then try to change the credentials in the server.properties file to something other than admin@blynk.cc/admin


Okay I will give it a try


11:34:37.090 INFO - Using data dir ‘blynk-data’
11:34:37.115 DEBUG- Starting reading user DB.
11:34:37.336 DEBUG- Reading user DB finished.
11:34:37.337 INFO - Region : local. Host : *.blynk.cc.
11:34:37.358 INFO - Using native epoll transport.
11:34:37.619 INFO - Initializing gmail smtp mail transport. Username : SMTP host : smtp.gmail.com:587
11:34:37.647 INFO - Reports : 0
11:34:37.649 INFO - Didn’t find Let’s Encrypt certificates.
11:34:37.649 INFO - Automatic certificate generation is turned ON.
11:34:37.649 INFO - Using native openSSL provider.
11:34:37.649 WARN - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths (cert : ‘/home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/./server_embedded.crt’, key : ‘/home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/./server_embedded.pem’) not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
11:34:38.162 DEBUG- hard.socket.idle.timeout = 10
11:34:38.203 INFO - HTTP API and WebSockets server listening at 8080 port.
11:34:38.204 INFO - HTTPS API, WebSockets and Admin page server listening at 9443 port.
11:34:38.205 INFO - Mqtt hardware server listening at 8440 port.
11:34:47.440 DEBUG- Unsecured connection attempt or not supported protocol. Channel : / Reason : javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: error:10000412:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:SSLV3_ALERT_BAD_CERTIFICATE
11:34:55.097 DEBUG- POST : /admin/login

Okay, so it is reading the correct server.properties file.
Now try changing the credentials to something different and see if that works.


11:41:39.709 INFO - Using data dir ‘blynk-data’
11:41:39.734 DEBUG- Starting reading user DB.
11:41:39.955 DEBUG- Reading user DB finished.
11:41:39.956 INFO - Region : local. Host : *.blynk.cc.
11:41:39.978 INFO - Using native epoll transport.
11:41:40.241 INFO - Initializing gmail smtp mail transport. Username : removed. SMTP host : smtp.gmail.com:587
11:41:40.269 INFO - Reports : 0
11:41:40.271 INFO - Didn’t find Let’s Encrypt certificates.
11:41:40.271 INFO - Automatic certificate generation is turned ON.
11:41:40.271 INFO - Using native openSSL provider.
11:41:40.271 WARN - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths (cert : ‘/home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/./server_embedded.crt’, key : ‘/home/michael/Documents/Blynk-server/./server_embedded.pem’) not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
11:41:40.735 DEBUG- hard.socket.idle.timeout = 10
11:41:40.762 INFO - HTTP API and WebSockets server listening at 8080 port.
11:41:40.768 INFO - HTTPS API, WebSockets and Admin page server listening at 9443 port.
11:41:40.768 INFO - Mqtt hardware server listening at 8440 port.