International Sub-Topics

I am relatively new to Arduino and a native spanish speaker. I can help if you still need a spanish speaking volunteer

Hello Blynk Team,

I’m interested to help you out in translating Blynk i n Italian. Please let me know if this can be done.

Many Thanks


Yes, if you can support people who are asking questions in Italian, that would be super helpful.

Top poat explains what’s needed to create a sub-category. If you have time and desire - please start there.

Thank you very much



Domande, richieste di aiuto relative ai progetti con Blynk e relative idee e soluzioni. Inoltre la sezione è usata per argomenti relativi all’utilizzo di hardware e sensoristica.

Molto importante:
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Inoltre, controlla i documenti ai seguenti link e
Se nonostante ciò si renda necessario aprire un nuovo post/topic specificare quanto segue:
• Modello di hardware e tipologia di comunicazione usata (ad esempio Arduino UNO con Ethernet Shield)
• Sistema operativo dello smartphone (iOS or Android) + versione
• Server Blynk o Serve Locale
• Aggiungere quindi copia dello sketch secondo il seguente formato (pena cancellazione del codice e/o del post da parte di un moderatore):

void loop()

Incollando semplicemente il codice tra le virgolette ```

I’ve been using Blynk for quite a while now and despite me being quite new to this community, I would love to contribute by helping the Chinese translation. Chinese is my first language, by the way.

@Pavel @rcdy

I’d love to help the Chinese version of the Blynk documentation too.

I’ve been using Blynk to build my personal projects. I really enjoy using it. From a QQ (a popular chat app in China) chat group of Chinese Blynk users, I learned that it’s very useful to have documentation in Chinese so that language is not a barrier for Blynk learners in China.

Chinese is my mother tongue and I’ve been speaking English in work for 6 years. I hope I can contribute to this community by improving the visibility of Blynk among Chinese learners.

Hello team,

I can support the spanish language.
Contactme if you need support

I can help with spanish

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Hello, I’ve seen that you are looking for a Spanish speaking Blynker to translate Blynk. Please PM me. Thanks!

Yes, here are a lot of spanish talkers and of course I can help too, I talk Castillian (Spain’s Spanish that is a bit different of Latin American’s Spanish) but… when we will get te SP category?
I can’t see it at categories list by now :frowning:

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Hey, I’m from China and have a bit spare time to help with Blynk Chinese language localization.
As for community moderation, i’m not sure if i’ll have much time, but i see no harm come here now and then to offer an extra hand.

Chinese translation here

哈啰,我来自中国,愿意分出一些时间来协助 Blynk 的中文本地化。

@HelloPlanet Thanks. I moved your post here.

I am a Spanish speaking Blynker and I can collaborate in the translation from English to Spanish.
Greetings to all

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Thank you! We will get in touch with you soon!

Hi, i’m traslating guidelines’ page but some sentences do not make sense once are translated into Spanish.

Can I do a free translation or needs to be a literal translation?

P.D.: Where are the manuals of the text editor?

Thanks to an user mistake on his post, I learned how to insert images.

Was annoying find that. I searched how to do it but no results.

P.P.D.: Of course, when it’s ready, I’ll send it to you.

Hola Joaquim, ya somos unos pocos españoles, o al menos hispanoparlantes, los que pululamos por aquí. Esperemos vernos pronto por la sección en español, cuando la coloquen, mientras tanto bienvenido a la comunidad ^w^

PH for Philippines we can add Taglish of translation, i can support them in my local taglish language forum.

Hi Blynk team. I’m spanish native speaker and i could help you with the section in spanish