Hi guys,
Im working on a project where I need to get blynk local server up and running and im using a RaspberryPi 2GB model. I need to sun multiple application on my raspberrypi so I thought using docker will be a good option. But im new to docker and I find the instruction to install blynk server via docker har to understand. I want to include my own server.properties and mail.properties file so how would i do that.
This is one approach…
All I’d say is that Graham, who developed the IOTstack system seems to have disappeared off of the radar. Hopefully nothing bad has happened to him.
The project has been forked by someone and seems to be well supported by them.
I’ve dabbled with this setup and it works well for me, but I’ve not yet enabled Blynk data storage using this system.
There’s a good tutorial from “the guy with the Swiss accent” about using Docker and the advantages of IOTstack on his YouTube channel.
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