I'm missing RAW data in Web-Chart

I’m missing the RAW option in the WEB Chart settings. I.e. I can’t configure a chart for anything else than AVG, MIN and MAX. But not RAW (or others).


  • My charts, or graphs rather, in WEB dashboard looks like they don’t display the latest value (if data is changing much) as they show an average and not the actual (raw?) data.

I really would prefer the RAW method as that will show the latest more precise. And you can sooner and better see trend changes.

Anyway, the RAW is not possible to select in chart settings. See images.

  • Is this a bug or is RAW only valid for other plans, other chart types or maybe for other data types?

Help text says RAW should be there:

In reality, no RAW in settings:

Note, the screenshots is for a VBAT plot. For this parameter this is not important as VBAT has slow changes. But I have others with faster changes …

To get the Raw Data option you need to have “save raw data” turned on in the datastream’s Advanced settings, then the option is available…


However, I don’t think that raw data storage is available with the free subscription.


Ah, tanks Pete.

Then i have a few wishes/comments for Blynk team.

  1. In help text (i) you describe this feature but dont say it is only for … plans. I think you really should.

  2. As Pete pointed out it is an option under Advanced settings to enable RAW data. And it has a button “UPGRADE” which clearly tells me I have to upgrade to get this feature. OK.
    If I click this button I get to a common page for ALL plans where I can select which to pick, or “upgrade to”.

  • But which one am I supposed to upgrade to? PLUS or PRO or …
    I can’t find this info anywhere.
    (This feature in itself is not that important so I would not upgrade for this feature alone. But anyway - you should guide the customer better … )
  1. When I read about the RAW I realize this was not what i wanted. RAW is documented (!) to save data more frequent than once per minute (1/min). (I normally never poll and store data this often anyway …)
    That is not what i am after. What i am after is a plot which is not AVG but the ACTUAL value. This is my wish for.

Sometimes, not at all needed. Sometimes wanted for.

  • To plot the ACTAUL values and not AVG values.

This can lead to “cluttered” graphs, I know. But sometimes you really want the ACTUAL value plotted. I don’t know what other’s feel, but for me - I miss such possibility.

- I vote for a plot of ACTUAL values.

I agree that the documentation could be improved.

According to this post:

raw data storage is available with the Plus plan.

I think that this is how it works, but I may be wrong…

If raw data storage is not turned on, the data received by the database is buffered and stored for 1 minute. Once that minute has elapsed, the data values received are averaged and written to the database.
I believe that this means that there will always be a delay of up to one minute between the data being sent to the Blynk server and it being available to view on the graph, unless raw data is used - but I may be wrong.



I recently purchased a the Pro subscription. however my chart does not allow me to Save Raw data

Any clue as to why?

Have you enabled raw data in the datastream advanced settings?


Hi Pete,

My apologize, I did not see the enable function in the advanced settings.

I do have another question though.

So I’m trying to get a line graph of the voltage fluctuations from the last hour but it does not show any data. Refer the SS
also when I try to generate a report of a specific data stream, the CSV file only shows the ESP32’s Online and Offline time stamps. No data is showed related to that data stream. Refer the SS of the generated Excel


If you’d read post #2 then you would have know about the raw data setting in the datastream.

You’ll need to have run it for at least an hour since making the changes to the datastreams to get any data out.
