I can't find the bug


I have a couple of issues with this project. Line 89 Blynk.virtualWrite(0, counter);
V0 is a numerical input box. I cannot get this box to update. The notification I recieve on line 90 gives me the correct reading for ‘counter’ but it is not put into V0 correctly.
I also get disconnects from blynk after the 1 second timer has run. It seems random, not all the time but happens when pulsing = 0 (line 166) Blynk reconnects instantly

Any help would be appeciated

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <SimpleTimer.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEthernet.h>
#include <WidgetRTC.h> //blynk time server
char auth [] = "xxx";

WidgetRTC rtc;

// the timer object
SimpleTimer timerminute;
SimpleTimer timerhour;

volatile byte pulsing;  
int pulsecount;
int noflow;
int blynkflowingvalue;
int blynknoflowvalue;
int state; //on/off state
const int pinReedSwitch = 2;
int counter;
int countminutes;
int counthours;
int lastValue;
int hournotify;
int minutenotify;
int secondnotify;

void setup()
  rtc.begin(); //begin getting time-date
  timerminute.setInterval(60000, CheckWater); // Miliseconds to seconds, every minute run function which counts time
  timerhour.setInterval(3600000, UpdateHourly); // Miliseconds to seconds, every hour run function which counts time
  pulsing = 0;
  counter = 0;
  countminutes = 0;
  counthours = 0;
  pulsecount = 0;
  noflow = 0;
  pinMode(pinReedSwitch, INPUT_PULLUP);

  Blynk.syncVirtual(2); //This gets the virtual pin value from server. (Needed for example after power loss)


void loop()
  int value = !digitalRead(pinReedSwitch);
  if (value != lastValue) 

    lastValue = value;
    if (value) 

    pulsing = 1; //water is flowing set pulsing to 1
    Serial.println("value: " + String(value));
    Serial.println("lastvalue: " + String(lastValue));
    Serial.println("Counter: " + String(counter));


  if (hour() == hournotify && minute() == minutenotify && second() == secondnotify )
    Blynk.virtualWrite(0, counter); //update how many counts/litres in last 24 hours and set it back to zero
    Blynk.notify("Water mains Feed: " +String(counter) + " litres used in last 24 hours");
    counter = 0;

    blynkflowingvalue = param.asInt(); // Get value as integer 

    blynknoflowvalue = param.asInt(); // Get value as integer 

    BLYNK_WRITE(6) //Reset Button
    noflow = 0;
    pulsecount = 0;
    pulsing = 0;
    Blynk.virtualWrite(4, LOW); //Turn off no flow error button
    Blynk.virtualWrite(5, LOW); //Turn off to much flow error
    BLYNK_WRITE(7) //on/off button
      if ( param.asInt() == 1 ) //Button high/pressed
      state = 1;
      state = 0;      

BLYNK_WRITE(V10) //Time for notify
  TimeInputParam t(param);
  // Process start time

    hournotify = t.getStartHour();
    minutenotify = t.getStartMinute();
    secondnotify = t.getStartSecond();


void CheckWater()

if (state == 1)

  if (pulsing == 1)

    Blynk.virtualWrite(1, HIGH); //Turn on flowing LED

    if (pulsecount == blynkflowingvalue)
      Blynk.virtualWrite(5, HIGH); //Turn on to much flow error button
      Blynk.notify("Warning direct mains in has been flowing for " + String(blynkflowingvalue) + " minutes. Remember to Reset");
    pulsing = 0; //We only want to see if the flow sensor pulsed at all in the one minute interval. It did, so set it back to 0
    noflow = 0; //obviously there has been flow so reset to zero
    Blynk.virtualWrite(8, countminutes); //update how many counts/litres in a minute and set it back to zero
    countminutes = 0;


  Blynk.virtualWrite(1, LOW); //Turn off flowing LED
      if (noflow == blynknoflowvalue)
      Serial.println("Warning, no flow");
      Blynk.virtualWrite(4, HIGH); //Turn on no flow error button
      Blynk.notify("Warning direct mains in has not been flowing for " +String(blynknoflowvalue) + " minutes. Remember to Reset");

   pulsecount = 0; //in the one minute interval water stopped pulsing through sensor so put the pulse count to 0
   Blynk.virtualWrite(8, countminutes); //update how many counts/litres in a minute and set it back to zero
   countminutes = 0;



void UpdateHourly()
Blynk.virtualWrite(9, counthours); //update how many counts/litres in an hour and set it back to zero
counthours = 0;

I’d start by reading this:

and make better use of your timers.

Also, you don’t need to do this:

and this:

A single BlynkTimer object can support up to 16 timer instances.

See the “Creating Interval Timers” section of this post:

Also, it’s usual (although not strictly necessary) to use the “V” prefix when referencing virtual pins in BLYNK_WRITE, Blynk.virtualWrite and Blynk.syncVirtual commands so that they’d look like this:

Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, counter);

This would make your code more readable from most Blynkers point of view.

Also, this in your void setup won’t work:

Instead, these Blynk.syncVirtual commands should be in a BLYNK_CONNECTED() callback function
See the “Synchronising the output state with the app at startup” section of this post for more info:


1 Like

Thanks for all the info Pete.

I’ve made some changes to the timers. My sync’s do work not being inside the BLYNK_CONNECTED() However I can add it inside that.

Updated code below. Can you see anywhere else I am spamming the Blynk server causing errors?

I’ve removed a piece out of the loop, but not sure how I would remove the piece which is checking for the reed sensor

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <SimpleTimer.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEthernet.h>
#include <WidgetRTC.h> //blynk time server
char auth [] = "";

WidgetRTC rtc;

// the timer object
SimpleTimer timer;

volatile byte pulsing;  
int pulsecount;
int noflow;
int blynkflowingvalue;
int blynknoflowvalue;
int state; //on/off state
const int pinReedSwitch = 2;
int counter;
int countminutes;
int counthours;
int lastValue;
int hournotify;
int minutenotify;
int secondnotify;

void setup()
  rtc.begin(); //begin getting time-date
  timer.setInterval(60000, CheckWater); // Miliseconds to seconds, every minute run function which counts time
  timer.setInterval(3600000, UpdateHourly); // Miliseconds to seconds, every hour run function which counts time
  timer.setInterval(1000, DailyNotify); // Miliseconds to seconds, every hour run function which counts time
  pulsing = 0;
  counter = 0;
  countminutes = 0;
  counthours = 0;
  pulsecount = 0;
  noflow = 0;
  pinMode(pinReedSwitch, INPUT_PULLUP);

  Blynk.syncVirtual(V2); //This gets the virtual pin value from server. (Needed for example after power loss)


void loop()
  int value = !digitalRead(pinReedSwitch);
  if (value != lastValue) 

    lastValue = value;
    if (value) 

    pulsing = 1; //water is flowing set pulsing to 1
    Serial.println("value: " + String(value));
    Serial.println("lastvalue: " + String(lastValue));
    Serial.println("Counter: " + String(counter));


    blynkflowingvalue = param.asInt(); // Get value as integer 

    blynknoflowvalue = param.asInt(); // Get value as integer 

    BLYNK_WRITE(V6) //Reset Button
    noflow = 0;
    pulsecount = 0;
    pulsing = 0;
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V4, LOW); //Turn off no flow error button
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, LOW); //Turn off to much flow error
    BLYNK_WRITE(V7) //on/off button
      if ( param.asInt() == 1 ) //Button high/pressed
      state = 1;
      state = 0;      

BLYNK_WRITE(V10) //Time for notify
  TimeInputParam t(param);
  // Process start time

    hournotify = t.getStartHour();
    minutenotify = t.getStartMinute();
    secondnotify = t.getStartSecond();


void CheckWater()

if (state == 1)

  if (pulsing == 1)

    Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, HIGH); //Turn on flowing LED

    if (pulsecount == blynkflowingvalue)
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, HIGH); //Turn on to much flow error button
      Blynk.notify("Warning direct mains in has been flowing for " + String(blynkflowingvalue) + " minutes. Remember to Reset");
    pulsing = 0; //We only want to see if the flow sensor pulsed at all in the one minute interval. It did, so set it back to 0
    noflow = 0; //obviously there has been flow so reset to zero
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V8, countminutes); //update how many counts/litres in a minute and set it back to zero
    countminutes = 0;


  Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, LOW); //Turn off flowing LED
      if (noflow == blynknoflowvalue)
      Serial.println("Warning, no flow");
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V4, HIGH); //Turn on no flow error button
      Blynk.notify("Warning direct mains in has not been flowing for " +String(blynknoflowvalue) + " minutes. Remember to Reset");

   pulsecount = 0; //in the one minute interval water stopped pulsing through sensor so put the pulse count to 0
   Blynk.virtualWrite(V8, countminutes); //update how many counts/litres in a minute and set it back to zero
   countminutes = 0;



void UpdateHourly()
Blynk.virtualWrite(V9, counthours); //update how many counts/litres in an hour and set it back to zero
counthours = 0;

void DailyNotify()
  if (hour() == hournotify && minute() == minutenotify && second() == secondnotify )
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, counter); //update how many counts/litres in last 24 hours and set it back to zero
    Blynk.notify("Water mains Feed: " +String(counter) + " litres used in last 24 hours");
    counter = 0;

By using a timer that checks say every 200ms, or attaching an interrupt to the pin.
