I have two virtual pins with lattitude and longitude. I collect all my data to History Graph.
But when i try export my data to CSV - i receive two file on my mailbox.
first with data like that: 49.489734375000005,1511557080000,0
and second: 17.4894564375000005,1511557080000,0
But i would like to receive one file with two columns consist of latitude and longitude.
I cant export this field to google maps or somithing like that. I have to convert all data(((
Can anyone advice me a good way to handle my problem?)
Yes you will need to do some manual data massaging, but that is the price of having such detailed data dumps from all that Virtual Pin data. Just combine the columns of one into the other in a spreadsheet for easier manipulation of a single file.
You may not need or want to convert any data, that depends on the exact format of the data you want in the end.
The data is in CSV format, Comma Separated Value… 49.489734375000005,1511557080000,0 =
49.489734375000005 - (LAT or LON) 1511557080000 - (Time/Date - in UNIX time format) 0 - (unsure on this one… possibly a place holder for normal vPin state?)
If all you want is the GPS tracks, without time/date reference, then you may want to leave out the time/date column, or convert them to human readable… they are in UNIX time format - Google that for many ways of converting it.
I have two files. each of them consist of: 49.489734375000005,1511557080000,0
I combine two files and as a result i have two columns:
like that:
49.489734375000005,1511557080000,0 || 24.489734375000005,1511557080000,0
and after that i have to delete manually unix time and prepare my table to that view:
lat long
49.489734375000005 || 24.489734375000005
It is easy when you have two or three coordinates but when you have thousand of them you need to automate it.
For my project I need to make gps track in google maps.
And after that i convert it to .kml file for google maps.
That is the problem which i cant solve(
Can i custom Hystori Graph export by sketch code?
You can use Blynk’s Webhook widget to send the co-ordinates directly to a properly structured online kml file via Google Sheets. There is also a Google Map api which means you can probably use a Webhook widget without Google Sheets.
That is because the data and webhook link is with the server, not the App (the App is just the monitor and control panel). I have no idea on the time frame.