First of all i started yesterday and i am stuck where i am now
My goal is to turn on and off a relay with my Google Home
I use IFTTT and Blynk together with a single relay
Everything works… I can open my phone and turn the relay on and off
I can also open a browser and use that with ?value=1 or ?value=0
If doing it this way doesn’t work then appending “:8080” to the end of the IP address would be worth trying. Also note that you’re using https and the example uses http.
Not directly within Google Home or IFTTT, but you can do it in code.
Here’s an example (although I’m NOT advocating the use of delay() within this function, you should probably use a non-blocking lambda timer instead).
Hi Peter,
Just to say a big thank you for this, I have been struggling with the ‘PUT’ method and kept getting server returned a 500, but your method worked first time and (so far!) every time.
Thanks a million!