Hello i need help for integration Blink to my inverter

@Cent0 please follow the rules for posting code to the forum.

The correct format was explained in the text that pre-populated your first post when you created this topic, and again by me in post#2


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Boot hare change!
Wath is this change i need re programming the boot loader?

wath my device a this time have cheksum problem after connection with BLYNK cloud ?

Instead of making a series of one-line posts I’d suggest that you begin my posting your sketch, correctly formatted with triple backticks at the beginning and end.


hello PETE pls check my post :face_with_head_bandage:

Why don’t you set your serial baud rate to your device’s native baud rate of 74880 so that you can see the boot messages from the device and your serial print data at the same time?

I suspect that you are putting your device into programming mode by pulling GPIO0 LOW or because you are using one of the other strapping pins in a way that’s not appropriate.

Try disconnecting everything except the USB cable and re-testing.


yes peter without add BLYNK code the device work
we have used serial speed 500.000 fist buil have worked…
wath speed need for blynk?

now tested simple code work

// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
  // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   // Arduino: turn the LED on (HIGH)
                                     // D1 Mini: turns the LED *off*
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);    // Arduino: turn the LED off (LOW)
                                     // D1 Mini: turns the LED *on*
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second

to my test i have used only pin D2 and GND for reading data.

do you have chek my code ?
i have add correct line Blynk to my code?

I’d suggest that you write in your native language, as your comments are extremely difficult to understand.


? :upside_down_face:?

14:58:23.686 -> [11137] Connecting to XXX
14:58:23.686 -> [11137] Connected to WiFi
14:58:23.686 -> [11138] IP: 192.168.xx.xx
14:58:23.686 -> [11138] 
14:58:23.686 ->     ___  __          __
14:58:23.686 ->    / _ )/ /_ _____  / /__
14:58:23.686 ->   / _  / / // / _ \/  '_/
14:58:23.686 ->  /____/_/\_, /_//_/_/\_\
14:58:23.686 ->         /___/ v1.2.0 on ESP8266
14:58:23.686 -> 
14:58:23.686 ->  #StandWithUkraine    https://bit.ly/swua
14:58:23.686 -> 
14:58:23.686 -> 
14:58:23.686 -> [11141] Connecting to blynk.cloud:80
14:58:23.686 -> [11141] Connecting to blynk.cloud:8080
14:58:26.368 -> pm open,type:2 0
14:58:28.688 -> [16142] Connecting to blynk.cloud:80
14:58:28.688 -> [16142] Connecting to blynk.cloud:8080
14:58:33.689 -> [21143] Connecting to blynk.cloud:80
14:58:33.689 -> [21143] Connecting to blynk.cloud:8080
14:58:38.689 -> [26144] Connecting to blynk.cloud:80
14:58:38.689 -> [26144] Connecting to blynk.cloud:8080
14:58:43.690 -> [31145] Connecting to blynk.cloud:80
14:58:43.690 -> [31145] Connecting to blynk.cloud:8080
14:58:48.693 -> [36146] Connecting to blynk.cloud:80
14:58:48.693 -> [36146] Connecting to blynk.cloud:8080
14:58:53.695 -> [41147] Connecting to blynk.cloud:80
14:58:53.695 -> [41147] Connecting to blynk.cloud:8080

When you’re posting code, serial output or compiler error messages to the forum, you need to put triple backticks at the beginning and end of the code, on a separate line.
Indenting the code by four spaces doesn’t achieve the same result, but it seems to be what you like to do.

Instructions on how to use triple backticks are in post #2 of this topic.

I’ve stopped engaging with you and your issue, because I can’t understand your comments, so my engagement is now only related to moderation issues.


[Unformatted code removed by moderator]

this is my code used for send data work ok !! thanks :frowning:

i have used </> this for preformatted code, not good ?

I’ve said it numerous times before, but please read post #2 in this topic for information about how to use triple backticks to correctly format code, serial output and compiler error messages when posting them to this forum.


buonasera volevo chiedere una cosa.
creando un Template ,
successivamente creo 2 device nello stesso template con 2 nomi diversi
questi 2 device catturano gli stessi dati.


  Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, WattHome0);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, VoltAc);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, VDc);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, ProdI);

per l’altro device posso usare gli stessi pin virtuali?
oppure posso cambiarlo cosi per il secondo device?

 Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, WattHome0);
 Blynk.virtualWrite(V7, VoltAc);
 Blynk.virtualWrite(V8, VDc);
 Blynk.virtualWrite(V9, ProdI);

ho notato che collegando 2 device arrivano solo i dati di un device
e allora ho provato a cambiare i virtual pin come sopra…
ma nulla

@Cent0 I’ve sent you a PM about the use of triple backticks. Please take notice of that PM and use triple backtick in future.


this simble is named QUOTE in other forum is used for quote message … bhooo
not understand your rule

i use only this ? if send code ?
please help me for posting ande rule

What is your question?


my question is in the post up.
we have solved.

i make one template.
end for other new device added , we have copy.
virtual pin is different.
ok .
i have solved.(EDIT Not solved problem )22 06 2023

my last problem is only the reconnection cycle if lost connection.
in more time the reconnection not work fine.
thank you

It sounds like you are using templates incorrectly.
You should read this…

Your question about reconnections is impossible to answer unless we know more about your connection method, so we need to see your (correctly formatted) code.


hi peter right now i created a template,and inside i created 2 devices.these 2 devices read 4 data from one inverter 4 data from the other inverter,and send them to the blynk server.
when I configure the graphics of a device I set the virtual values ​​of a device, it also changes the values ​​of the other and I can’t view them together :(.
so I have to use 1 templates with one device and one other template with an other devices? Thank you.

It sounds like you’re doing something wrong, but it’s impossible to say based on the limited information you’ve provided.
