Hello i need help for integration Blink to my inverter

hello comunity
i have make one sketch for reading data to display inverter,
this is one logger uart,
comunicate with dspic33 and receive all value displayed.
i have add one code for displaying to one little oled direct.
and one other wemos mini d1 connected to wifi have one other lcd for reading in other side the value inverter.

//code Cent0 by Github whit help Cattledog
// Import required libraries
#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID           "TMPL4UgRsEkn1"
#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME         "Quickstart Device"
#define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN            "nhBpLQaJ"

/* Comment this out to disable prints and save space */
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

#include <Arduino.h>      //
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h> 
#include <ArduinoOTA.h> 
#include <Hash.h>
#include <ESPAsyncTCP.h>
//#include "ESPAsyncWebServer.h"
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>

 // #include <BetterOTA.h>   //      my code

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial SSerial(4, 5); //  2 3
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>

#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>

#define OLED_RESET 0  // GPIO0
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(OLED_RESET);
float ProdI;
float VDc;
int VoltAc;
 int   Watt;
 float   VDC;
 int   Temp;
 int   WattHome;
  int   WattHome0;

  int pinValue = WattHome0; // assigning incoming value from pin V1 to a variable

 //Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, WattHome0);

String readwatthome() {
   return String(WattHome0);
String readHumi() {
  return String(ProdI);                        // return String(PROD ISTANTANEA;
String readdc() {
  return String(VDc);                          // aggiunto; String VDC ;
String readPres() {
  return String(VoltAc);

const char* TEXT_INPUT1 = "HTML_STR_INPUT1";   // String type input
const char* TEXT_INPUT2 = "HTML_INT_INPUT2";   // Integer type input
const char* TEXT_INPUT3 = "HTML_FLOAT_INPUT3"; //Float type input

const char index_html[] PROGMEM = R"rawliteral(
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v6.2.1/css/all.css" integrity="sha384-fnmOCqbTlWIlj8LyTjo7mOUStjsKC4pOpQbqyi7RrhN7udi9RwhKkMHpvLbHG9Sr" crossorigin="anonymous">
    html {
     font-family: Arial;
     display: inline-block;
     margin: 0px auto;
     text-align: center;
    h2 { font-size: 2.0rem; }
    p { font-size: 2.0rem; }     
    .units { font-size: 1.2rem; }
      font-size: 1.5rem;
      padding-bottom: 15px;
  <h2>GTIL2 Energy Terrazza</h2>
  <i class="fa-solid fa-bolt"></i>
    <span class="dht-labels">Consumo</span> 
    <span id="watthome">%TEMPERATURE%</span>
    <span class="units">W</span>
  <i class="fa-solid fa-solar-panel"style="color:#059e8a;" ></i>
    <span class="dht-labels">Volt Inverter DC</span>
    <span id="voltdc">%VOLTDC%</span>                                
    <span class="units">V</span>
  <i class="fa-solid fa-plug"></i>
    <span class="dht-labels">Volt Inverter AC</span>
    <span id="voltac">%VOLTAC%</span>
    <span class="units">V</span>
   <i class="fa-light fa-solar-panel"></i>
    <span class="dht-labels">Produzione</span>
    <span id="prodi">%PRODI%</span>
    <span class="units">W</span>
  <form action="/get">
    Enter string Input Here: <input type="text" name="HTML_STR_INPUT1">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">
  <form action="/get">
    Enter Integer Input Here: <input type="text" name="HTML_INT_INPUT2">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">
  <form action="/get">
    Enter Float Input Here: <input type="text" name="HTML_FLOAT_INPUT3">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">
setInterval(function ( ) {
  var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
      document.getElementById("watthome").innerHTML = this.responseText;
  xhttp.open("GET", "/watthome", true);
}, 10000 ) ;

setInterval(function ( ) {
  var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
      document.getElementById("voltdc").innerHTML = this.responseText;
  xhttp.open("GET", "/voltdc", true);
}, 10000 ) ;

setInterval(function ( ) {
  var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
      document.getElementById("voltac").innerHTML = this.responseText;
  xhttp.open("GET", "/voltac", true);
}, 10000 ) ;

setInterval(function ( ) {
  var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
      document.getElementById("prodi").innerHTML = this.responseText;
  xhttp.open("GET", "/prodi", true);
}, 10000 ) ;


// Replaces placeholder with DHT values
String processor(const String& var){
  if(var == "TEMPERATURE"){
    return String(WattHome0);
  else if(var == "VOLTDC"){
    return String(VDc);
  else if(var == "VOLTAC"){
    return String(VoltAc);
  else if(var == "PRODI"){
    return String(ProdI);
  return String();
//int buffer[40];

const byte startMarker = 0x94;
const byte messageLength = 21;          //18 
byte receivedBytes[messageLength + 1]; //include start marker
boolean newData = false;
boolean newData2 = false;
boolean newData3 = false;

static boolean recvInProgress = false;
//                                                                                                Set your access point network credentials
//const char* ssid = "";//ESP8266-Access-Point
//const char* password = "";//123456789

char* ssid = "";//ESP8266-Access-Point
char* password = "";//123456789
char* pass = "";//12345678

// Set your Static IP address
IPAddress local_IP(192, 168, , );
// Set your Gateway IP address
IPAddress gateway(192, 168, , );

IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);
IPAddress primaryDNS(8, 8, 8, 8);   //optional
//IPAddress secondaryDNS(8, 8, 4, 4); //optional

//String WattHome 

// Create AsyncWebServer object on port 80
AsyncWebServer server(80);

void setup(){                                                                                      //          SETUP
     Blynk.begin(BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN, ssid, pass, "blynk.cloud", 80); 
  // Serial port for debugging purposes
  Serial.begin(500000);   // 115200 500000
    // tolto messo nel loop
     // Setting the ESP as an access point
  Serial.print("Setting AP (Access Point)…");
  // Remove the password parameter, if you want the AP (Access Point) to be open

  if (!WiFi.config(local_IP, gateway, subnet)) {    // , primaryDNS, secondaryDNS
    Serial.println("STA Failed to configure");
  // Connect to Wi-Fi network with SSID and password
  Serial.print("Connecting to ");
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  // Print local IP address and start web server
  Serial.println("WiFi connected.");
  Serial.println("IP address: ");

  // Route for root / web page
  server.on("/", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
    request->send_P(200, "text/html", index_html, processor);
    server.on("/temperature", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){                //______________________
    request->send_P(200, "text/plain", readwatthome().c_str());
  server.on("/watthome", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
    request->send_P(200, "text/plain", String(WattHome0).c_str());
  server.on("/voltdc", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
    request->send_P(200, "text/plain", String(VDc).c_str());
   server.on("/voltac", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
    request->send_P(200, "text/plain", String(VoltAc).c_str());
  server.on("/prodi", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
    request->send_P(200, "text/plain", String(ProdI).c_str());

  // Send a GET request to <ESP_IP>/get?input1=<inputMessage>
  server.on("/get", HTTP_GET, [] (AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
    String inputMessage;
    String inputParam;
    // GET input1 value on <ESP_IP>/get?input1=<inputMessage>
    if (request->hasParam(TEXT_INPUT1)) {
      inputMessage = request->getParam(TEXT_INPUT1)->value();
      inputParam = TEXT_INPUT1;
    // GET input2 value on <ESP_IP>/get?input2=<inputMessage>
    else if (request->hasParam(TEXT_INPUT2)) {
      inputMessage = request->getParam(TEXT_INPUT2)->value();
      inputParam = TEXT_INPUT2;
    // GET input3 value on <ESP_IP>/get?input3=<inputMessage>
    else if (request->hasParam(TEXT_INPUT3)) {
      inputMessage = request->getParam(TEXT_INPUT3)->value();
      inputParam = TEXT_INPUT3;
    else {
      inputMessage = "No Input Text sent on ESP32";
      inputParam = "none";
    request->send(200, "text/html", "HTTP GET request sent to your ESP on input field (" 
                                     + inputParam + ") with value: " + inputMessage +
                                     "<br><a href=\"/\">Return to Home Page</a>");
 // server.onNotFound(notFound);

// OTACodeUploader.begin(); // call this method if you want the code uploader to work
//    OTATerminal.begin(); // call this method if you want the terminal to work

//  WiFi.softAP(ssid, password);

 // IPAddress IP = WiFi.softAPIP();
 // Serial.print("AP IP address: ");
 // Serial.println(IP);

  display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);  // initialize with the I2C addr 0x3C (for the 64x48)
  // init done



void recvBytesWithStartMarker()

  newData2 = false;
  static boolean recvInProgress = false;
  static int ndx = 0;
  byte rc;

            while (SSerial.available() > 0 && newData == false) 
            rc = SSerial.read();

            if (recvInProgress == true)
            receivedBytes[ndx] = rc;
            //  if (ndx == 8 and rc != 0x05)
            //  if ((ndx == 12 and rc == 0x04) and (ndx == 21 and rc != 0x34))
            if (ndx == 21 and rc != 0x34)
            // if(ndx == 12 and rc != 0x00)
            recvInProgress = false; 
            ndx = 0;                                //new data2 false da aggiungere
            //   Serial.println("This just in false FALSE FALSE FALSE");
            //   for (byte i = 0; i <= messageLength; i++)
            //    {
            //     Serial.print(receivedBytes[i], HEX);
            //     Serial.print(" ");
            //     }
            // Serial.println(" ");
            // Serial.println("BYTE 21 ");
            // Serial.println (receivedBytes[21], HEX);
            // Serial.println("byte15 ");
            // Serial.println (receivedBytes[15], HEX);
            recvInProgress = false;   /////////////////////////////////cambiato true//////////////////////////////////////
            newData2 = false;          /////////////////////////////////cambiato true//////////////////////////////////////
            newData = false;          // aggiunto _________________________
            newData3 = false;

      if (ndx == messageLength + 1)
 //   if (receivedBytes[ndx] = rc)
        newData = true;
        recvInProgress = true;  // false
        ndx = 0;
     // receivedBytes[ndx] = rc;                            // non cambia nulla resta tutto uguale
        Serial.println("data RC ok CHECK byte 15=0 & 21=34 ");
       Serial.println (receivedBytes[15], HEX);
       Serial.println (receivedBytes[21], HEX);
       receivedBytes[ndx] = rc;
     if  ((receivedBytes[15] == 0x00) && (receivedBytes[21] == 0x34))
         Serial.println("VERIFIED successfull");
          recvInProgress = true;
        // newData2 = true;          /////////////////////////////////cambiato true//////////////////////////////////////
        newData = true;  
        newData3 = true; 

  else if ( rc == 0x94 || rc == 0x95 || rc == 0x96 || rc == 0x93 )
          recvInProgress = true;
          ndx = 0;  // save start marker

          receivedBytes[ndx] = rc;  


void showNewData()
 // if ((newData == true) and (recvInProgress == true))
    if (newData == true) 
    Serial.println("This just in ...OK void show new data ");
    for (byte i = 0; i <= messageLength; i++)
      Serial.print(receivedBytes[i], HEX);
      Serial.print(" ");                        // IN LINEA
     Serial.println(" ");
newData = false;
newData2 = true;

void collectData()

WattHome = (((int32_t)receivedBytes[15] << 24) |((int32_t)receivedBytes[16] <<16) |
             ((int32_t)receivedBytes[17] << 8 ) |(int32_t)receivedBytes[18])/10;
             if( (WattHome < -40) || (WattHome > 3000)){
              newData3 = false;
             newData3 = true;
           WattHome0 =  WattHome ;
            VoltAc = ((receivedBytes[1]*256+receivedBytes[2])/10);
ProdI =  ((receivedBytes[3]*256+receivedBytes[4])*0.1);
VDc =    ((receivedBytes[5]*256+receivedBytes[6])*0.125);  // /8
Temp =   ((receivedBytes[13]*256+receivedBytes[14])/24);

void printNewData()
     Serial.println("INVERTER LOG");

void printNewData2()


     Serial.println("INVERTER LOG GTIL2 Cent0 Github");

void displayNewData()



void funzione()

  server.on("/temperature", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){                //______________________
    request->send_P(200, "text/plain", readwatthome().c_str());
  server.on("/voltdc", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){                 //___________________
    request->send_P(200, "text/plain", readHumi().c_str());
    server.on("/vdc", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){                 //___________________
    request->send_P(200, "text/plain", readdc().c_str());
  server.on("/pressure", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
    request->send_P(200, "text/plain", readPres().c_str());                            //____________________
 // newData2 = false;
 // Change Web Link Button message to "Congratulations!"
  Blynk.setProperty(V3, "offImageUrl", "https://static-image.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/general/fte/congratulations.png");
  Blynk.setProperty(V3, "onImageUrl",  "https://static-image.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/general/fte/congratulations_pressed.png");
  Blynk.setProperty(V3, "url", "https://docs.blynk.io/en/getting-started/what-do-i-need-to-blynk/how-quickstart-device-was-made");

void controllo8(void) {              // OTA O T A     #####################################################################      O  T   A      O   T    A

  // Port defaults to 8266

  // Hostname defaults to esp8266-[ChipID]

  // No authentication by default
 //  ArduinoOTA.setPassword("admin");

  // Password can be set with it's md5 value as well
 //  MD5(admin) = 21
 //  ArduinoOTA.setPasswordHash("21");

 // if (WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED ){
     (ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() {
      String type;
         if (ArduinoOTA.getCommand() == U_FLASH) {
      type = "sketch";
    } else { // U_FS
      type = "filesystem";

    // NOTE: if updating FS this would be the place to unmount FS using FS.end()
  ArduinoOTA.onEnd([]() {
  ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) {
    Serial.printf("Progress: %u%%\r", (progress / (total / 100)));
  ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) {
    Serial.printf("Error[%u]: ", error);
    if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) {
      Serial.println("Auth Failed");
    } else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) {
      Serial.println("Begin Failed");
    } else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) {
      Serial.println("Connect Failed");
    } else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) {
      Serial.println("Receive Failed");
    } else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) {
      Serial.println("End Failed");
  Serial.print("IP address OTA: ");

void controllo9(void)
  WiFiClient client;
  HTTPClient http;
  int TEXT ;
TEXT = 60;
  TEXT= atoi((char *)TEXT_INPUT1);                   //_
        if  (WattHome0 > TEXT  ){     //  650

        http.begin(client, "http://192.168../api/relay/1?apikey=3Exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&value=0");
                                                     // start connection and send HTTP header
                                                     int httpCode = http.GET();
         Serial.println("SEND STOP espurna API");
             Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, WattHome0);
         newData3 = false;

void loop()

//   if (newData2 == true)
 // {
 if (newData3 == true)
 // printNewData();
  //  displayNewData();
  //  controllo9();
   // controllo8();

  //  ArduinoOTA.handle();
   // if (millis() - timer1 > 200) {
        // 1 second have passed
        // do stuff
   //     timer1 = millis(); // reset timer, so it will run again after one more second.
 // }

this is any function with my data.
how pass this data to virtual pin ?

i have test this code this code is added one line to any function but not work
Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, WattHome0);
but have problem with connection to cloud

void setup(){                                                                                      //          SETUP
     Blynk.begin(BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN, ssid, pass, "blynk.cloud", 80); 

a this time connection to cloud is ok

how call the

if have the code

void recvBytesWithStartMarker()
i use in the loop this code

void loop()

i need use this for call in the loop? BLYNK_WRITE(V2);

one little sketch for my code is this

i have start the code for send my data to blynk

  int pinValue = WattHome0; // assigning incoming value from pin V1 to a variable

 //Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, WattHome0);

a this point the code is very long have the page for view data to intranet.

@Cent0 Please edit your post, using the pencil icon at the bottom, and add triple backticks at the beginning and end of your code so that it displays correctly.
Triple backticks look like this:

Copy and paste these if you can’t find the correct symbol on your keyboard.


1 Like

i need chek this and recompile
i have used const char to my code.

[Unformatted code removed by moderator]

exit status 1
no matching function for call to ‘BlynkWifi::begin(const char [33])’

this error

complied ok connected to blynk 2.0
I have read in the serial communication the logo​:star_struck::exploding_head:
But at
new reboot…
Have this reply serial work only at speed 74888

23:18:39.186 ->  ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7)
23:18:39.186 -> 
23:18:39.186 -> load 0x4010f000, len 3424, room 16 
23:18:39.186 -> tail 0
23:18:39.186 -> chksum 0x2e
23:18:39.186 -> load 0x3fff20b8, len 40, room 8 
23:18:39.186 -> tail 0
23:18:39.186 -> chksum 0x2b
23:18:39.259 -> csum 0x2b
23:18:39.259 -> v0005c150
23:18:39.259 -> ~ld

The cloud have reprogrammed my device?
The device Accept the code send but not boot

@Cent0 please follow the rules for posting code to the forum.

The correct format was explained in the text that pre-populated your first post when you created this topic, and again by me in post#2


1 Like

Boot hare change!
Wath is this change i need re programming the boot loader?

wath my device a this time have cheksum problem after connection with BLYNK cloud ?

Instead of making a series of one-line posts I’d suggest that you begin my posting your sketch, correctly formatted with triple backticks at the beginning and end.


hello PETE pls check my post :face_with_head_bandage:

Why don’t you set your serial baud rate to your device’s native baud rate of 74880 so that you can see the boot messages from the device and your serial print data at the same time?

I suspect that you are putting your device into programming mode by pulling GPIO0 LOW or because you are using one of the other strapping pins in a way that’s not appropriate.

Try disconnecting everything except the USB cable and re-testing.


yes peter without add BLYNK code the device work
we have used serial speed 500.000 fist buil have worked…
wath speed need for blynk?

now tested simple code work

// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
  // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   // Arduino: turn the LED on (HIGH)
                                     // D1 Mini: turns the LED *off*
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);    // Arduino: turn the LED off (LOW)
                                     // D1 Mini: turns the LED *on*
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second

to my test i have used only pin D2 and GND for reading data.

do you have chek my code ?
i have add correct line Blynk to my code?

I’d suggest that you write in your native language, as your comments are extremely difficult to understand.


? :upside_down_face:?

14:58:23.686 -> [11137] Connecting to XXX
14:58:23.686 -> [11137] Connected to WiFi
14:58:23.686 -> [11138] IP: 192.168.xx.xx
14:58:23.686 -> [11138] 
14:58:23.686 ->     ___  __          __
14:58:23.686 ->    / _ )/ /_ _____  / /__
14:58:23.686 ->   / _  / / // / _ \/  '_/
14:58:23.686 ->  /____/_/\_, /_//_/_/\_\
14:58:23.686 ->         /___/ v1.2.0 on ESP8266
14:58:23.686 -> 
14:58:23.686 ->  #StandWithUkraine    https://bit.ly/swua
14:58:23.686 -> 
14:58:23.686 -> 
14:58:23.686 -> [11141] Connecting to blynk.cloud:80
14:58:23.686 -> [11141] Connecting to blynk.cloud:8080
14:58:26.368 -> pm open,type:2 0
14:58:28.688 -> [16142] Connecting to blynk.cloud:80
14:58:28.688 -> [16142] Connecting to blynk.cloud:8080
14:58:33.689 -> [21143] Connecting to blynk.cloud:80
14:58:33.689 -> [21143] Connecting to blynk.cloud:8080
14:58:38.689 -> [26144] Connecting to blynk.cloud:80
14:58:38.689 -> [26144] Connecting to blynk.cloud:8080
14:58:43.690 -> [31145] Connecting to blynk.cloud:80
14:58:43.690 -> [31145] Connecting to blynk.cloud:8080
14:58:48.693 -> [36146] Connecting to blynk.cloud:80
14:58:48.693 -> [36146] Connecting to blynk.cloud:8080
14:58:53.695 -> [41147] Connecting to blynk.cloud:80
14:58:53.695 -> [41147] Connecting to blynk.cloud:8080

When you’re posting code, serial output or compiler error messages to the forum, you need to put triple backticks at the beginning and end of the code, on a separate line.
Indenting the code by four spaces doesn’t achieve the same result, but it seems to be what you like to do.

Instructions on how to use triple backticks are in post #2 of this topic.

I’ve stopped engaging with you and your issue, because I can’t understand your comments, so my engagement is now only related to moderation issues.


[Unformatted code removed by moderator]

this is my code used for send data work ok !! thanks :frowning:

i have used </> this for preformatted code, not good ?

I’ve said it numerous times before, but please read post #2 in this topic for information about how to use triple backticks to correctly format code, serial output and compiler error messages when posting them to this forum.


buonasera volevo chiedere una cosa.
creando un Template ,
successivamente creo 2 device nello stesso template con 2 nomi diversi
questi 2 device catturano gli stessi dati.


  Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, WattHome0);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, VoltAc);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, VDc);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, ProdI);

per l’altro device posso usare gli stessi pin virtuali?
oppure posso cambiarlo cosi per il secondo device?

 Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, WattHome0);
 Blynk.virtualWrite(V7, VoltAc);
 Blynk.virtualWrite(V8, VDc);
 Blynk.virtualWrite(V9, ProdI);

ho notato che collegando 2 device arrivano solo i dati di un device
e allora ho provato a cambiare i virtual pin come sopra…
ma nulla

@Cent0 I’ve sent you a PM about the use of triple backticks. Please take notice of that PM and use triple backtick in future.


this simble is named QUOTE in other forum is used for quote message … bhooo
not understand your rule

i use only this ? if send code ?
please help me for posting ande rule

What is your question?
