Hello i need help for integration Blink to my inverter

my question is in the post up.
we have solved.

i make one template.
end for other new device added , we have copy.
virtual pin is different.
ok .
i have solved.(EDIT Not solved problem )22 06 2023

my last problem is only the reconnection cycle if lost connection.
in more time the reconnection not work fine.
thank you

It sounds like you are using templates incorrectly.
You should read this…

Your question about reconnections is impossible to answer unless we know more about your connection method, so we need to see your (correctly formatted) code.


hi peter right now i created a template,and inside i created 2 devices.these 2 devices read 4 data from one inverter 4 data from the other inverter,and send them to the blynk server.
when I configure the graphics of a device I set the virtual values ​​of a device, it also changes the values ​​of the other and I can’t view them together :(.
so I have to use 1 templates with one device and one other template with an other devices? Thank you.

It sounds like you’re doing something wrong, but it’s impossible to say based on the limited information you’ve provided.
