Event alarm

Hello, guys

what’s wrong with my code. I’m trying to make it so that when the temperature is lower than the default and when the alarm is on, an event is triggered. Below is part of the code that should activate the event

void ocitanjeTemperature(void) {

  sensors.requestTemperatures();  // Send the command to get temperaturessensors.requestTemperatures(1);

  temperatura = sensors.getTempCByIndex(temperaturaSenzor);

  temperatura1 = sensors.getTempCByIndex(temperaturaSenzor1);

  temperatura2 = sensors.getTempCByIndex(temperaturaSenzor2);

  temperatura3 = sensors.getTempCByIndex(temperaturaSenzor3);

  if (temperatura > -120 && temperatura != 85) {

    Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, temperatura);

    if (temperatura < alarmPlastenik && alarmPlastenikOn == 1) {


if (temperatura1 > -120 && temperatura1 != 85) {
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, temperatura1);
 if (temperatura1 < alarmKotaoMin && alarmKotaoOn  == 1) {
    }    else if (temperatura1 > alarmKotaoMax && alarmKotaoOn == 1){

I would say that providing more information about why you are asking this question (presumably something isn’t working as expected) would be a good starting point.

Your current code makes it very easy to exceed the 100 events in 24 hour limit imposed by Blynk.

I’d suggest you read this…


Thanks for the quick answer.

I measure the temperature in the greenhouse, and everything has been working fine for a long time. Now I wanted to incorporate eventn into the project, so that it would warn me for sure, wake me up if there was a problem. When the temperature is too high or too low.

I know about the limit and it is currently not a problem and should not be a problem. Because if the event is activated, then something is not good, because it should almost never happen.

What I wanted to do was to use the “Number input” to specify the value that I want to activate the event and send to virtual pin and save to EEPROM

float alarmKotaoMin = EEPROM.read(7); ///v40
float alarmKotaoMax = EEPROM.read(8); // v41
float alarmPlastenik = EEPROM.read(9);//v42
int alarmKotaoOn = EEPROM.read(10); // 43
int alarmPlastenikOn = EEPROM.read(12);//45


  alarmKotaoMin = param.asFloat();

  EEPROM.write(7, alarmKotaoMin);



  alarmKotaoMax = param.asFloat();

  EEPROM.write(8, alarmKotaoMax);



  alarmPlastenik = param.asFloat();

  EEPROM.write(9, alarmPlastenik);



  alarmKotaoOn = param.asFloat();

  EEPROM.write(10, alarmKotaoOn);


  alarmPlastenikOn = param.asFloat();
  EEPROM.write(12, alarmPlastenikOn);

Void ocitanjeTemperature works well, reads the temperature but does not turn on the event.

“If” is set in case of an error with a sensor that knows how to throw out the error, it gives -120 or 85, and that these values are ignored.

and the second IF condition activates the event when “alarmPlastenikOn == 1” (v45) and the temperature is less than “alarmPlastenik” (v42)

void ocitanjeTemperature(void) {
  sensors.requestTemperatures();  // Send the command to get temperaturessensors.requestTemperatures(1);
  temperatura = sensors.getTempCByIndex(temperaturaSenzor);
  temperatura1 = sensors.getTempCByIndex(temperaturaSenzor1);
  temperatura2 = sensors.getTempCByIndex(temperaturaSenzor2);
  temperatura3 = sensors.getTempCByIndex(temperaturaSenzor3);

  if (temperatura > -120 && temperatura != 85) {
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, temperatura);
    if (temperatura < alarmPlastenik && alarmPlastenikOn == 1) {

The temperature is read and displayed, the relays turn on and off as I want, the only thing is that the event is not activated.

I’d start by adding some serial print command into your sketch to prove that you are actually reaching the point where the Blynk.logEventis located.

If that works, but events aren’t being logged then provide some screenshots like the ones in the tutorial I provided which show your event and notification setup, and your event log screen.

I disagree, but its your system and that’s your decision to make.


Pete thanks for the help.
So the code is ok, according to the rules, the event should work.

I’m going to try it out and look for a bug.

It’s impossible to say, you haven’t shared any information about how you’ve configured the events and notifications.


I changed the code to test
Event worked when I simplified the code and didn’t read the EEPROM value.

if (temperatura > -120 && temperatura != 85) {
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, temperatura);
    if (temperatura <10) {

When I put the serial print, I got a value for “alarmPlastenik” of 255, which is the value it got from the EEPROM, and not 10, which I set it to be via the mobile application.

I need to see why it didn’t load the value I specified.


  alarmPlastenik = param.asFloat();

  EEPROM.write(9, alarmPlastenik);


Are you using Blynk.syncAll in our sketch?
If so then it works differently compared to Blynk IoT


I haven’t used Blynk.syncAll, to be honest I didn’t even know about it until now.

I use EEPROM so that the values are saved if the device is restarted or loses its connection to the Internet.

So I don’t have to use EEPROM if I use Blynk.syncAll ?

I’d recommend against using Blynk.syncAll because it’s a bit of a “sledgehammer to crack a nut” approach. Instead, you should use Blynk.syncVirtual(vPin).

Whichever you do use, it should be in a BLYNK_CONNECTED() function.

With your current system, if you read a value of 255 from your EEPROM, but the widget is to 10, the 255 value won’t be replaced by the widget value unless you either ‘dirty’ the widget by changing its value, or call Blynk.syncVirtual(vPin) or Blynk.syncAll

As you’ve deduced, you don’t need to be using EEPROM, and in fact it’s quite a dangerous approach as each EEPROM memory location is only good for an average of 100,000 write operations. This means that EEPROM will fail at some point, and if you do something silly in your sketch you could kill a particular EEPROM location accidentally and not know it.
