@Pavlo no it’s targeted at millions of users across the world that want a cheap home automation and energy monitoring system. We built our own Community Site to help explain some of the features that an average householder might not be too familiar with.
Sorry may i ask that you made your energymeter with which sensors foe v. and i. and cos(Phi) For calculate kw. aand …
@s.d.engineering ESPproMon is not tied to one particular sensor.
It will work with Peacefair energy monitors and Open Energy Monitor hardware that both have V, I and PF.
For those with a very limited budget it will also work with ACS712 at less than $2 but that only has I. That said V is fairly constant for many users and even without PF you get a pretty good approximation of cost.
We have just added a post on the ESPproMon Community site which shows how powerful Blynk’s Webhook widget is when integrating your projects with other iOT networks like EmonCMS and Thingspeak.
No offence @nutjoe but how do we know the link you have provided is safe?
Couldn’t understand what "giving analytics on rational account " means either.
Could you provide more details?
I do have a safe url for the Blynk community that I am very proud of https://bloc8.app (well worth a visit but site is still being developed i.e. some YT videos are not in line etc).
How much money did you spend Blynk publishing your app on iOS and Android for you? I also need Blynk to publish me my on-demand apps on iOS and Android. Thanks!
I’d suggest that you talk to @Pavlo about pricing. Things have changed considerably since @Costas published his app.
ok, Thank you!
I need Blynk to publish app on iOS and Android, please tell me the price