ESP8266 as access point

have you been able to set up something like this/?
and what should I write for host?
when I use the ESP as access point and wifi server alone, and connect using web browser, everything works fine but as soon as I try to implement blynk code, the sketch either compliles without error or throws those invalid error

above pic is my iphone connected to access point…

I have been tinkering… still no luck… even changed esp mode to both ap and station
using serial to monitor, seems to hang at blynk.begin()
here is code for setup

void setup() {
  Serial.println("mode is ap and station");
  Serial.println("begin wifi...");
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
   Serial.println("Configuring access point...");
  /* You can remove the password parameter if you want the AP to be open. */
  WiFi.softAP(ssid, password);
  IPAddress myIP = WiFi.softAPIP();
  Serial.print("AP IP address: ");
  server.on("/", handleRoot);
  Serial.println("HTTP server started");
  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, password, "", 80);
  Serial.println("blynking done...");

here is monitor

Hi. Reading the thread once again, I understand your problem.
Unfortunately this scenario won’t work right now, as the App uses SSL connection to the server.
So it will never connect (Arduino for ESP has only TCP server as of writing).
If it had SSL, then the steps would be:

  1. Create a User Defined Connection (there is an example for that)
    this should be a server SSL listener
  2. Modify BlynkProtocol.h to handle server-side authentication
    (these are small changes and we will include them later I think)

This could be done (with ordinary TCP) if App allowed non-SSL connections (but it doesn’t, yet).
@Pavel, @Dmitriy what do you think?

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Thank you so much for such a detailed respons @vhymanskyy I appreciate it… It would be awesome if this could be available because I plan on using the priject outiside and using iphone running app as a remote :smiley: thank you again

@Rahul, good news for you.
I’m currently working on the prototype of direct connection, and have some good results.
Library already has support for this feature, however it’s rather low-level and needs more understanding to work with it.
I will keep you updated.


Deleted - I have got it to work using an ESP866-01 as a shield on a Nano.

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Wow!! Thank you very much. This would open new doors for future projects!! Awesome guys!! Thx

I am also very interested in the possibility of using esp8266 as access point connecting iphone directly to the device without wifi network. It would be great to use of the app in the open field as remote controller. keep us posted.


Will try to implement soon for Android.

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You can control the device using the BLYNK if enable hotspot on your smartphone and register settings in the device. For example, Blynk.begin (auth, “AndroidAP”, “password”);
It requires, of course, access to the Internet via cell phones.

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I guess thats possible but we want to use blynk as a remote controller. No internet access needed. From what i understand, this requires major changes on app end dur to the fact that esp uses tcp while app uses ssl. Hopefully this will be possible in the near future

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Does anyone know if there’s been any more progress in creating an offline Blynk-based esp controller? I’m about to try by using my phone as an AP but the completely offline option would be better.

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I’m hoping for the same thing, I want to make a remote control for my dslr camera to use out in the field, would be great if it was possible to use a ESP8266 as an access point :slight_smile:

I have been going through several platforms to see which one will suit my needs and so far Blynk is the best. I really hope thei work on connecting directly to ESP8266 as an AP

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me too, would be great! I have an existing project running from a arduino mini, and I would love to stick a esp8266 in there for I can monitor from the comfort of my car when I’m out in the field :slight_smile:

hey. this is exactly what I was trying to do. check this, I made this But using blynk would definetly be better.

Can you use this to dynamically change between SSID’s? Because sometimes I use my esp with a differente router and I would like that my esp would know which ssid are available and connect to the ones I pre configured.
If it find ssid= Wifi1 do Blynk.begin(auth, Wifi1, password)
If it finds ssid= Wifi2 do Blynk.begin(auth, Wifi2, password)

EDIT: This seems to work Feeding WIFI SSID, Passwords and Blynk key's via a webpage in the ESP8266 EEPROM

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That’s good to hear! Blynk is amazing

Dmitriy, any progress on this? I know you guys have been pretty busy just wondering if this is still in your roadmap

@dro this will be done after bluetooth. Buletooth will be in 2 weeks (hope so) .