ESP8266 01 no respond

SIR, Someone plz help… im facing the same problem and tried with all above solutions but no use. im also the new to coding. I wanted make a communication from arduino to esp8266 using AT Commands…but despite of many AT And other Firmware updates, its not responding. tried above all solutions.

You’re probably using the wrong baud rate to talk to the ESP-01.
Do you have an FTDI adaptor or an ESP-01 to USB interface available?



sir, actually im using nodemcu development board having FTDI on it. so direct usb connection to nodemcu. baud rate - i tried with 9600,74800,115200… as I told, i tried with all the solutions that you told someone previously above. plz help

So the rest of this topic was about a problem with an ESP-01 as a Wi-Fi modem for a an Arduino and you’ve said that you are

but in fact you’re using different hardware.
You say that you’ve done

I’d doubt very much if any of that has helped. If you’ve installed anything other than the correct AT firmware for your board (which will be different to the AT firmware for an ESP-01) then you’ll not get this working.

There’s a thread about someone else who has truied thys, and finally managed to get it to work, just here:

I’m locking this thread, as your issue is unrelated. If you need further assistance the please start a new thread with full details about your hardware, firmware, code, results etc but bear in mind that this isn’t really a Blynk issue until you get your Arduino talking to your NodeMCU.
