ESP32/ESP8266 MasterController using Blynk Bridges

Master Controller Project for ESP32 and ESP8266

MasterController for ESP32/ESP8266, using Blynk Bridge to control slave controllers

In the sample project, you can use these features:

  1. This example demontrates the use of a Master Controller (ESP32/ESP8266) to control 8 different Slave Controllers running Blynk/Alexa

    • Each Slave Controller is doing diferent tasks inside an imaginary house.
    • One of the Slave Controller is ESP8266-based RC-433MHz controller.
    • 2 are SONOFF WiFi Smart SWs.
    • 2 are ESP01 + Relay modules
    • 3 are NodeMCU boards
  2. This example uses 2-dimensional array of struct(ure)s to enable timers to control objects in Slave Controllers via Blynk Bridge.

The full code is posted in GitHub:

As you can see, the GUI design is barely acceptable, just enough to prove the concept.
If you need better GUI design, see the examples at: