I am new to Blynk and very excited about the prospects. I am attempting to use the very small, WiFi capable ESP8266-01 with an Arduino Uno or Nano to remotely control leds, relays, etc. However, I’m hitting a wall. In using Blynk, it asks for which board you’ll be using. No problem, I select an UNO or Nano. Then it asks how you’ll be connecting. That’s where the problem comes in. Under WiFi, the ESP8266-01 isn’t listed. I was following 2 different YouTube videos that used this very method but in those versions of Blynk, the ESP8266 was listed under “Connection”. I am obviously missing something. If you have any info to help me I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much!
Correction to my post above. I just discovered that if I select Arduino UNO, I do get the option of using the ESP8266-01 as a “Connection” device. It’s when I select the Arduino Nano, that the option goes away. Does that mean Blynk is not compatible with the Nano?
Are you referring to the SketchBuilder examples? If so then they are simply a collection of examples rather than a fully comprehensive list of every board and connection type that is supported.
Is there any reason why you’re going for an Uno or Nano + ESP-01?
There are much better (and cheaper) options available…
You make an excellent point. You are correct, I do have UNO’s, Nanos, Mini’s and ESP-01s sitting around and thought they’d be a good starting point. I need to think longer term and explore the options you mentioned. Thanks for the info for a beginner IoT wannabe.