Does anybody use raw data storage on Local Blynk Server?

Hi! … i use raw data storage on Local Blynk Server and i would really appreciate it will be supported in future updates. thanks

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In fact it still is, but the storage bin had changed. Yet we still don’t know how to handle it - there is a warning/error in server logs: No file found. Separate DB storage disabled

Too bad the csv file storage has been removed.

Now I’m screwed debugging my ever growing blynk project.

@Dmitriy could you please provide a guide on how to implement a db on the local server?
Couldn’t find it anywhere, neither on github nor the docs.

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Ok. no time right now. But I created ticket for that -

So if possible we can do it for fixed size of data for example 1000 record or other limitted rules.

Sometimes we want data with second period so what can we do?

I want to know that can i do raw data for a time period ? For example a just day or same as other config users (widget size) we assign a size for raw data that never grow than.

If you use the history graph widget, after each daily API call in your sketch, get Blynk to send you a PUSH message to remind you to delete the pin data. This way data will be a maximum of 24 hours duration.

That’s the best I can come up with.

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@Costas Thank you
But i mean for raw data (DB)

Are you familiar with PostgreSQL?

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sorry no but i can learn it.

Hello I use blynk local server which is not connected to the internet. The export to csv format works only when there is internet .

@VINEET that’s correct. CSV export sends you email and sending email requires external SMTP server.

Thanks for the reply sir. Is there a workaround without external SMTP server?

Sure. You may install own SMTP server.

Local smtp server works like a charm ! but someone has to give a manual input to generate CSV data at the end of the day. Is there a way to automate generation of a CSV token …say every 6 or 7 hours?

This is what we are working right now. However, this feature will be available for DeviceTiles only. At least at the start -

Wow great!