Does anybody use raw data storage on Local Blynk Server?

Sure, they just may need that data for some purposes! That is why I asked in my first post here in this topic to preserve export functionality, or (i should stand AND, however :slight_smile:) HTTP API functionality. Now, looking at @Gianca’s case I think it would be fine to be able to export requested PART of that data. This will be especially important AFTTER long term BLYNK functionality, when exporting data would mean exporting for example each second of a one year long data collection.

@marvin7 data export will introduced in Web version soon with all possible filters. So it is on it’s way. CSV is just wrong way and it was just initial workaround.

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I should have perhaps read the title of your original post, more than the text within the post i.e local server.
I always thought cloud and local were identical, but that you look after the cloud and we look after the local.
It appears cloud and local are not identical. Have you ever had csv on the cloud or is it just disappearing with the new 0.22.0 release?

They are.

Yes. But many days ago.

It is.

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One last question if I may @Dmitriy

Are you able to say how long ago “many days” was (just approximately)?

1.5 year ago. Why that matter?

It doesn’t matter, but I think it would be fair to say “cloud and local servers were identical up until 1.5 years ago when the cloud server adopted a different data storage system to that used by the local server”.

I apologise as I should have read your OP more closely as I wrongly thought you were asking about changes for the huge majority of Blynkers that use your cloud, rather than a local server.

My answers would have been a little different had I realised the change only affects local servers.

@Costas servers still are same :slight_smile:. The only difference is in cofig files. You can use local server with DB. That’s not a problem. We just never provided instruction on how that could be achieved.

Hi! … i use raw data storage on Local Blynk Server and i would really appreciate it will be supported in future updates. thanks

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In fact it still is, but the storage bin had changed. Yet we still don’t know how to handle it - there is a warning/error in server logs: No file found. Separate DB storage disabled

Too bad the csv file storage has been removed.

Now I’m screwed debugging my ever growing blynk project.

@Dmitriy could you please provide a guide on how to implement a db on the local server?
Couldn’t find it anywhere, neither on github nor the docs.

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Ok. no time right now. But I created ticket for that -

So if possible we can do it for fixed size of data for example 1000 record or other limitted rules.

Sometimes we want data with second period so what can we do?

I want to know that can i do raw data for a time period ? For example a just day or same as other config users (widget size) we assign a size for raw data that never grow than.

If you use the history graph widget, after each daily API call in your sketch, get Blynk to send you a PUSH message to remind you to delete the pin data. This way data will be a maximum of 24 hours duration.

That’s the best I can come up with.

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@Costas Thank you
But i mean for raw data (DB)

Are you familiar with PostgreSQL?

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