Using for a long time cloud Blynk Server, I decide to test a local Server installed in Raspberry Pi.
I have forward the nesesery ports 8441-8443 from my router to IP of local server (Pi).
I check that the ports are opened.
My app (android phone) connected ok to server using 4G or Wifi outside my network.
That means that I have incoming traffic routed ok to the server that runs blynk.
BUT, if I use the same LAN network with the Blynk Server ( / android app ( with Server Setting CUSTOM xx.xx.xx.xx (WAN) port 8443, it does not connected.
“Reconnecting to the server…” is the message of the app.
At the side of the server, from blynk.logs (trace level) there are NO new recordings when I try to connect to it.
Very strange.
While on the same network as your local server, go to
Then in Mobile app, connect to that ip…
If you have a static IP its easy… but if you have a dynamic IP from your internet provider then you will need to set up a dns service and assign a domain name.
For instance, my external address for my local server is ds.cust* (starred out for security)
I have dynamic ip address.
I have ddns service no-ip.
The problem is with no-ip domain name set on Server settings of the app connected to the same localnetwork.
With exactly the same setting of app using 4G, it is connected.
Oh so you’re saying if your on the local network… the ddns no-ip domain does not connect… but on another external network it connects fine with the same no-ip domain.
This sounds like an issue with your internal network blocking the loop back of the domain.
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
2 3 ms 3 ms 6 ms
3 26 ms 23 ms 25 ms
4 25 ms 35 ms 49 ms
5 32 ms 36 ms 32 ms
6 30 ms 31 ms 28 ms []
7 31 ms 30 ms 29 ms []
8 49 ms 26 ms 26 ms
9 44 ms 44 ms 44 ms []
10 59 ms 60 ms 59 ms []
11 60 ms 61 ms 64 ms
12 68 ms 81 ms 62 ms
13 73 ms 72 ms 73 ms []
Not sure if this is exactly what this post is about… but I utilize a program called BlueIris as my security & video surveillance system (probably more akin to a Blynk Local Server situation).
The app for that has both LAN and WAN input for login settings. It automatically uses local IP when in range of router WiFi and my DDNS.NET account when elsewhere.
But how would we resolve this ourselves?? I know I don’t understand how to modify Blynk’s login methodology