Can somebody help me. I am trying to make a off grid system

i am trying to make a off grid system but I can’t do it. I have a esp8266 12e nodemcu.


  1. 8 channel relay
  2. ACS712 20 amp.

i have made this code for the relay and it works.

/*New Blynk app with Home Automation

//Include the library files
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "****"
#define BLYNK_DEVICE_NAME "****"
#define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "****"

//Define the relay pins
#define relay1 D0
#define relay2 D1
#define relay3 D2
#define relay4 D3
#define relay5 D4
#define relay6 D5
#define relay7 D6
#define relay8 D7

char auth[] = BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN;
char ssid[] = "****";//Enter your WIFI name
char pass[] = "*****";//Enter your WIFI password

//Get the button values
 bool value1 = param.asInt();
 // Check these values and turn the relay1 ON and OFF relæ 1
 if (value1 == 1) {
   digitalWrite(relay1, LOW);
 } else {
   digitalWrite(relay1, HIGH);

//Get the button values
 bool value2 = param.asInt();
 // Check these values and turn the relay2 ON and OFF relæ 2
 if (value2 == 1) {
   digitalWrite(relay2, LOW);
 } else {
   digitalWrite(relay2, HIGH);

 bool value2 = param.asInt();
 // Check these values and turn the relay2 ON and OFF relæ 3
 if (value2 == 1) {
   digitalWrite(relay3, LOW);
 } else {
   digitalWrite(relay3, HIGH);

 bool value2 = param.asInt();
 // Check these values and turn the relay2 ON and OFF relæ 4
 if (value2 == 1) {
   digitalWrite(relay4, LOW);
 } else {
   digitalWrite(relay4, HIGH);

 bool value2 = param.asInt();
 // Check these values and turn the relay2 ON and OFF relæ 5
 if (value2 == 1) {
   digitalWrite(relay5, LOW);
 } else {
   digitalWrite(relay5, HIGH);

 bool value2 = param.asInt();
 // Check these values and turn the relay2 ON and OFF relæ 6
 if (value2 == 1) {
   digitalWrite(relay6, LOW);
 } else {
   digitalWrite(relay6, HIGH);

 bool value2 = param.asInt();
 // Check these values and turn the relay2 ON and OFF relæ 7
 if (value2 == 1) {
   digitalWrite(relay7, LOW);
 } else {
   digitalWrite(relay7, HIGH);

 bool value2 = param.asInt();
 // Check these values and turn the relay2 ON and OFF relæ 8
 if (value2 == 1) {
   digitalWrite(relay8, LOW);
 } else {
   digitalWrite(relay8, HIGH);

void setup() {
 //Set the relay pins as output pins
 pinMode(relay1, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(relay2, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(relay3, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(relay4, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(relay5, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(relay6, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(relay7, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(relay8, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(amp, INPUT);

 // Turn OFF the relay
 digitalWrite(relay1, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(relay2, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(relay3, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(relay4, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(relay5, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(relay6, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(relay7, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(relay8, HIGH);

 //Initialize the Blynk library
 Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass, "", 80);

void loop() {
 //Run the Blynk library;
and this is the code for the amp meter

 int adc = analogRead(A0);
 float voltage = adc*5/1023.0;
 float current = (voltage-2.5)/0.100;
 float watt = 12*current;

can somebody help me make this come true.
i want to have the 8 relay on the web and to gauge to se how many amps and watts I use now and how many I have use over time.

like this
best regards Sophus Andreassen.

Please edit your post, and add triple backticks ``` before and after your whole sketch.

thanks john93 :slight_smile:

The NodeMCU doesn’t really have enough useable pins for this, read this…

You should probably use an ESP32, but this board is also an option…
