Blynk Time input - lost connection to app

I’m new with arduino but I have have made a fish feed machine running a sequence of opening a door first and then running a snail and then closing it again.

I can start it with a push button and with a time input from the blynk app.
It seems fine, but once it has run the first loop of the sequence.

The connection is lost and continues to write
[177810] Connecting to in the serial monitor.

Is there anyone who has encountered that problem?

My code is here.

Name: Koifeeder1.ino
Created: 12/26/2017 7:05:09 PM
Author: Lars

// Reference URL for L298N;topic=366727.0;attach=147606

// Ethernet opkobling
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEthernet.h>
#define W5100_CS 10
#define SDCARD_CS 4

// DS3231 RTC Modul clock
#include <DS3231.h> //RTC MODUL DS3231
DS3231 rtc(SDA, SCL); // UR RTC DS3231 pin SDA, SCL

// Kode til Blynk
char auth[] = “d462d305896044b0b7f01394ff7693a6”;

// UR og instillinger af tider
String timeSet; // Indstilling af Ur på App
String feeding1Start; // start tid af fodring 1 tid på App
String feeding1Stop; // stop tid af fodring 1 tid på App
String DS3231RTC;// Aktuelle tid på DS3231 modul

// Snegl motor
#define in1 8 // Pin 8 = Snegl motor output 1
#define in2 9 // Pin 9 = Snegl motor output 2
#define enA 10 // Pin 10 = snegl hastighed

// Door motor
#define in3 4 // Pin 4 = Door motor output 1
#define in4 3 // Pin 3 = Door motor output 2
#define enB 2 // Pin 2 = Door hastighed

// sensors og buttons
const int SwicthOpen = 7; // Pin 7 = Swicht door open
const int SwicthClosed = 6; // Pin 6 = Swicht door closed
const int buttonPin = 5; // Pin 5 = knappen

// Global variabler
int DoorOpen = 0; // variable for dør åben
int DoorClosed = 0; // variable for dør lukket
int buttonState = 0; // Start knap
int feeding = 3; // Hvor mange fodringer pr gang
int startAuger = 0; // Starter Auger loop
float SPEED = 250; // Hastigheden på motorne
int aut;

void setup() {

// Motor Snegl
pinMode(in1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enA, OUTPUT);

// Motor Door
pinMode(in3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enB, OUTPUT);

pinMode(SwicthOpen, INPUT); // Swicth open door
pinMode(SwicthClosed, INPUT); // Swicth closed door
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); // Button

// DC3231 RTC Clock

rtc.begin(); // STARTER UR



void loop()
// Flyt tid fra rtc.getTimeStr til DS3231RTC
DS3231RTC = String(rtc.getTimeStr());

buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); // Er Button trykket på ?
DoorClosed = digitalRead(SwicthClosed); // Er døren lukket ?
DoorOpen = digitalRead(SwicthOpen); // Er Døren åben ?
Blynk.virtualWrite(V4, DS3231RTC);

//Hvis dør er lukket og Button er trykket eller AUT er on!
if (DoorClosed == HIGH && buttonState == HIGH || feeding1Start <= DS3231RTC && feeding1Stop >= DS3231RTC)
startAuger = doorOpen();
// Hvis dør er åben og startAguer == 1 start snegl
else if (DoorOpen == HIGH && startAuger == 1)
startAuger = 0;

// Hvis døren er lukket og åben så skal den lukke døren
else if (DoorClosed == LOW && startAuger == 0)
else {
//gør ingen ting


int doorOpen()
while (DoorOpen == LOW)
DoorOpen = digitalRead(SwicthOpen); // Er Døren åben ?
// Kør dør op
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);
analogWrite(enB, SPEED);
// sluk for motor
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);
return 1;


void auger()
for (int i = 0; i < feeding; i++)
// kør sneglen frem
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
analogWrite(enA, SPEED);

delay(1000); // Vent 500 msek

// kør sneglen tilbage
digitalWrite(in1, HIGH); 
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);  
analogWrite(enA, SPEED);

delay(500); // Vent 500 msek

// stop snegl
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);;

void doorClose()
while (DoorClosed == LOW)
DoorClosed = digitalRead(SwicthClosed);
// kør dør ned
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);
analogWrite(enA, SPEED);
// sluk for motor
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);;

void DS3231rtc()

// Flyt tid fra rtc.getTimeStr til DS3231RTC
DS3231RTC = String(rtc.getTimeStr());

// Indstilling af UR på Iphone app
TimeInputParam t(param);
if (t.hasStartTime())

timeSet = String( t.getStartHour()) + “:” + t.getStartMinute() + “:” + t.getStartSecond();

rtc.setTime((t.getStartHour()), (t.getStartMinute()), (t.getStartSecond())); // Sender RTC time fra DS3231 til Iphone App



// Indstilling af fodring 1 på Iphone app
TimeInputParam t(param);
feeding1Stop = String( t.getStartHour()) + “:” + t.getStartMinute() + “:” + t.getStartSecond()+1;

Serial.print(" Stop: ");

if (t.hasStartTime())

feeding1Start = String( t.getStartHour()) + “:” + t.getStartMinute() + “:” + t.getStartSecond();

Serial.print(" Start: ");
Serial.print( feeding1Start);

Only those that don’t read thoroughly, can’t code properly, is having networking issues, possibly power issues… oh and even the “experts” will get that occasionally as well :wink: So basically everyone :stuck_out_tongue: Yes, it is a common error saying something is preventing proper connection between your MCU and the server.

And since you can run it the first time, then it sounds like you have flooded or timed out the heartbeat.

But without more details and posting your properly formatted code (see Welcome Topic - and we don’t want to use your links) as well as doing some reading of the Documentation and Help Center (Links all at the top of this page) and of course, searching this forum for this common issue and answers (are you running everything in the void loop() or using timers - correct answer is NO and YES :wink: )

Post your formatted code here and we will see what we can do to assist.

No I’m not a good reader nor a good programmer :slight_smile:
I also think it’s flodded, but I can not see what the problem is.
If I dont run the loop. It does not lose the connection.

I’m not sure if I’m doing right when I transfer from the DS3231 RTC module to the app, but I’ve seen myself blind and can not fix it

Well you don’t have to be a good programmer… but you DO need to be a good reader :stuck_out_tongue:

Paste your code here… properly formatted as recommended above.