Blynk Provisioning fails with Arduino Core Master Branch

@Dmitriy @vshymanskyy @BlynkAndroidDev your Blynk provisioning sketch within the Arduino IDE and at appears to fail with the master branch of the Arduino core.

As a follow up to this thread Connect nodemcu to a wifi network using blynk I tried for almost a day to provision an ESP, but failed. See Serial Monitor below:

[555] Hardware v1.0.1
[555] Firmware v0.4.8
[2230] AP SSID: TrackioT App
[2230] AP IP:
[2231] AP URL:
[106942] WiFi SSID:  Pass: 
[106942] Blynk cloud:  @ :
[106942] Configuration invalid
[107050] WiFi SSID:  Pass: 
[107050] Blynk cloud:  @ :
[107050] Configuration invalid
[1970123] WiFi SSID:  Pass: 
[1970123] Blynk cloud:  @ :
[1970123] Configuration invalid
[1970173] WiFi SSID:  Pass: 
[1970173] Blynk cloud:  @ :
[1970173] Configuration invalid

As you will see it is failing to accept the SSID and PASSWORD of the router.
Tried several ESP’s, 2 routers, various locations around my house, 0.4.7 and 0.4.8 plus 2.14.5 and 2.14.6.

Having previously provisioned ESP’s with your sketch I was at a loss to what the issue was.
Then I remembered that my main system has been upgraded to the latest master branch of the Arduino core since I last used provisioning.

This morning I used another computer that is still using 2.3.0 core and it worked first time.

No idea what the issue is but I know you have things like DNSServer.h and much has changed over the last 12 months since 2.3.0 was released.

Have you used the master branch or even 2.4.0-rc1 with provisioning?

This is a known bug in arduino core for esp, they will fix it. We have implemented a workaround in android - which will come with one of next releases.

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@vshymanskyy do you know if the ESP bug was introduced in 2.4.0-rc1 or is it just in the master?

2.4.0-rc1 as well

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@vshymanskyy could you please provide a link or similar to the ESP8266 Arduino Core problem?

Sorry you’ll have to search for it. I opened one but then closed as it was duplicate.

@vshymanskyy a few days ago I spent 1 hour looking through open and closed issues on the ESP8266 GitHub but couldn’t find anything that appeared to tie up with this.

Can you suggest a search term from memory that might have been used when the issue was raised?


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Thanks @vshymanskyy I’ll test the commit with our provisioning.

I can confirm that the pending commit at fixes Blynk Provisioning for the master branch of ESP8266 Arduino core.

You will have to do the changes manually until such time as the pending commit is included in a release / the master branch.

The commit is now in the master branch