@Dmitriy @vshymanskyy @BlynkAndroidDev your Blynk provisioning sketch within the Arduino IDE and at https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-library/tree/master/examples/Export_Demo/Template_ESP8266 appears to fail with the master branch of the Arduino core.
As a follow up to this thread Connect nodemcu to a wifi network using blynk I tried for almost a day to provision an ESP, but failed. See Serial Monitor below:
[555] Hardware v1.0.1
[555] Firmware v0.4.8
[2230] AP SSID: TrackioT App
[2230] AP IP:
[2231] AP URL: theCHARioT.co.uk
[106942] WiFi SSID: Pass:
[106942] Blynk cloud: @ :
[106942] Configuration invalid
[107050] WiFi SSID: Pass:
[107050] Blynk cloud: @ :
[107050] Configuration invalid
[1970123] WiFi SSID: Pass:
[1970123] Blynk cloud: @ :
[1970123] Configuration invalid
[1970173] WiFi SSID: Pass:
[1970173] Blynk cloud: @ :
[1970173] Configuration invalid
As you will see it is failing to accept the SSID and PASSWORD of the router.
Tried several ESP’s, 2 routers, various locations around my house, 0.4.7 and 0.4.8 plus 2.14.5 and 2.14.6.
Having previously provisioned ESP’s with your sketch I was at a loss to what the issue was.
Then I remembered that my main system has been upgraded to the latest master branch of the Arduino core since I last used provisioning.
This morning I used another computer that is still using 2.3.0 core and it worked first time.
No idea what the issue is but I know you have things like DNSServer.h and much has changed over the last 12 months since 2.3.0 was released.
Have you used the master branch or even 2.4.0-rc1 with provisioning?