If I set up a set of Christmas lights could you stay up and play jingle bells with them
Local servers are for “pros” and hackers like me.
Your NAS is actually redirecting port 80 to 6767 which is stopping the default API call from working. That’s why we are now including port 8080 in the API call but it shouldn’t be needed when you kill the NAS.
Oh I see, So if I were to include 8080 in the Applet would it then work
No problem, that’s an easy hack
Not sure where Apple comes into it but I am going to say yes.
Oh it’s Applet no Apple, still yes.
I can’t really test because I’m using my phone for the Google assistant and the blink app is also the phone
I just tried it and when the Google assistant has done its bit I go back into the Blynk app and the button is not lit up
Haaaaa And before you ask no I do not want you saying hey Google
You’ve already creeped me out enough for one night I can just hear your voice saying hey Google turn button on and Google assistant replies with yes Master of course I will do anything for you
Anyway the reason I asked whether we could revisit the autostart on reboot of the system is that I have still got the putty window open on my laptop and if I close it then the server will stop
Do you know how to write a simple bash script?
And make it executable with chmod?
Well you seem to be Mystic meg what do you think
Yes you guessed correctly no I do not but I know a man that can so when you are ready let me know and I will deploy it
No seriously all jokes aside it is it something that can be downloaded via the putty window
sudo nano
My name is Billy not silly
Do you know I have just worked out that there is no way on this earth you are older than me . You must be the only estate agent that can break into my computer