IFTTT support

@Conktr I’m glad this rather long thread has the potential to help other Blynkers and not just the OP.

All the info you require is in this thread but to summarise:

Forget PUT, Blynk has a GET call that does a PUT.
GET doesn’t require a body.
Try with port 8080 if default http of 80 doesn’t work
Ensure require ports are forwarded for WAN access, I would do 80, 8080, 8441, 8442 and 8443 (forget https)

Syntax for GET (normally considered a PUT) is:


See https://blynkapi.docs.apiary.io/#reference/0/write-pin-value-via-get/write-pin-value-via-get

Edit: sorry I thought you were posting on this recent thread Blynk Local server + IFTTT