Blynk ESP01 Not Responding (sensor reading Arduino Nano and DHT11)

If you read the comments in the example you linked to then you’ll see that it is designed to be used with a variety of different boards, some of which (like the Mega) have multiple hardware UARTs, others (Uno, Nano etc) have only one.
Where only one hardware UART is available, a second one needs to be emulated using the SoftwareSerial library.

In either case, the ESP-01 needs to be attached to it’s own UART (whether that be a hardware or software emulated one) so that the debug data and AT commands don’t get mixed-up.

Pins 0 and 1 on the Nano are the one hardware UART and are used for serial debugging, as they are also connected to the onboard USB connector.
You need to emulate a second UART using SoftwareSerial, define which pins this will use (not 0 and 1), connect your ESP-01 to these and use this dummy port (EspSerial in the example) as your connection port. For that port to be initialised, it needs top have a Serial.begin entry in void setup, and you’ve currently commented that out.

If all of this seems very messy then you’re correct. This messiness is caused by you choosing a non-IoT device with one hardware UART for an IoT project, and therefore needing to add IoT connectivity via the ESP-01.
The best overall solution is to consign the Nano and the ESP-01 to the bin and use an IoT device for your project…
