I’ve noticed the battery life on my phone has been lower over last couple weeks. I’m Blynk app version 2.20.2 on Android 7.0.
I’ve attached a couple screenshots. Is this normal?
I’ve noticed the battery life on my phone has been lower over last couple weeks. I’m Blynk app version 2.20.2 on Android 7.0.
I’ve attached a couple screenshots. Is this normal?
Please remember the search option… This issue has been mentioned a few times already.
Perhaps uninstall and reinstall App.
I did use the search option. The results that I saw were rather old and didn’t point to any solution.
I’ll try to reinstall the app.
Not that old <2 months and solution seems viable for some?
Not sure. How long the app was active?
Here’s a new screengrab after being off the charger for 3 hours. I didn’t use the blynk app at all today, it’s only been running in the background. It’s configured to notify me if the hardware goes offline. Is 2.5hr keep awake after 3hr of the charger normal?
@Dmitriy, Blynk continues to be the largest battery drain on my phone. I am using Blynk 2.20.3.
I’ve attached another screenshot. Why are the CPU and “keep awake” hours so high? Is this normal after a day’s use? Why does Blynk consume any CPU time when not in use (ie not in the foreground)?
The battery in my LG V20 lasts twice as long if I disable Blynk 2.20.3. I’m running Android 7.0.
Is anyone else experiencing excessive battery consumption? Please post your phone model, android version, and Blynk version.
My appears appears to have been resolved this past week by the latest version.