AUTH TOKEN issue help

Hi all have a nice day

My blink project is using 3 esp8266 board and it is working perfectly thanks to blynk. Accidentally 1 board authentication code has been changed in the the app side hence that board connected bulbs are not working. remain boards are functioning properly. I have previous authentication code which I uploaded to hardware please advise how to modify the authentication code in the App side

Thanks in advance

Hi, you can change authtoken in the menu search - device - device info - authtoken

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Please advise how to reach this page
Thanks in advance

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Are you using Blynk Legacy, or Blynk IoT ?


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I am using blink IoT

In that case, typing In your browser address bar should take you to the console log-in screen.
You can then follow the directions in the screenshot.


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Thanks for advise
I just created the account. So how can I add my existing devices please help

I don’t understand how we’ve gone from…


You need to explain much more a about what EXACTLY it is that you are trying to achieve.


I am also confused
Can I login to cloud dashboard using blynk community user name and password

I already have 3 device connected
I tried to login to cloud dashboard using Blynk community user name and password so it did not allow. hence I created new account

New account also created using same user name(Email ) and password that used to login Blynk Community

Please advise
Thanks in advanced

Thanks in advanced

Yes you can use the same id and password to create your Blynk iot account.
there is no relation between them

As @Blynk_Coeur said, there is no relationship between your Blynk IoT account credentials and the credentials you use to log-in to this forum.

In the same way, if you’ve ever used Blynk Legacy then there is no relationship between Blynk Legacy login credentials and Blynk IoT login credentials and the Legacy and IoT Auth tokens are not interchangeable.


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Thank for advise
I am confused again

Please advise how to recognize that I am using Blynk Legacy or Blynk IoT

Please help
Thanks in advanced

Post a screenshot of your Blynk app.


Please check

Okay, this is Blynk Legacy, which is no longer being developed or supported.

If you press the Refresh button in the app to generate a new Auth token for your device then it is not possible to specify the Auth token that is assigned to that device. The Auth tokens are randomly generated by the Blynk cloud server.

Your only option in this scenario is to re-flash your device with an updated sketch which uses the newly generated Auth token for that device.


Thanks for the advise
Can’t I update the Blynk Legacy to new
I can download new version and create a the same project with new app then modify the Token

Please advise
Thanks in advanced

It’s a totally different system. You can migrate, but that involves re-creating your app layout and flashing your devices with new code.

No, the new version (Blynk IoT) uses different servers, and your existing hardware is configured to contact the Legacy servers.

Either way, you need to re-flash your hardware with new code.


Thanks Mr Pete
I appreciate your support . Now I know the exactly my issue

Thanks again and again
I will come back

I’m working on a project using Arduino UNO but I have not receive the AUTH token for the template I am using can you please help.

@Alwatan_Hashmeit You’re using blynk iot right ?