Hi! I am trying to control LED using Arduino which connected to ESP8266. Which library should i use for rhis? Esp8266 has native AT firmware.
Please use search. It was discussed many times.
I did, but didnt find good examples. Am i right i have to use BlynkSimpleEsp8266 library and ESP8266wifi library?
All you need is to select https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-library/tree/master/examples/BoardsAndShields/ESP8266_Shield
I follow your instruction, but it fail, with this wiring connection, I ran ok with thingspeak. It appear when I ran blynk " Failed to disable Echo"
[UPD: “Failed to disable echo” will most probably be reported as “ESP is not responding” now]
I have too problem with ESP8266
I have already write firmware into ESP8266 and I use example ESP8266 Shield. So and result is
[19] Blynk v0.3.0
[20] Connecting to wlElstudija3
[1030] Failed to disable Echo
what i was do wrong?
I have the same to you, You should to upload firmware to ESP8266, I use USB- CH340, 3.3v ASM 1117 to supply power for ESP8266, I follow the instruction at http://www.instructables.com/id/Connect-to-Blynk-using-ESP8266-as-Arduino-Uno-wifi/?ALLSTEPS
But at the upload firmware for ESP I do it different, I use NODEmcufirmware to upload firmware. the it run sucessful.
I am too upload firmware with NODEmcu successfully , because I have Windows not MAC. As USB to Serial I use Genuine Arduino Uno R3 And for power supply I have use laboratory regulated power supply which I have set for 3.3V (but as I can see it is not necessary because ESP8266 use only less than 150mA). But at finish there are still no luck.
use nodemcu flasher in windows
and the Firmware V1.0 link is below
i used it and working fine for me
Im having trouble getting that firmware to work. so i downloaded that bin file down the bottom of the website. then i clicked on the gear on the config tab of the flasher app. what baud rate do i use? i tried 9600. cause that’s what my old firmware was. it finishes the process. But when i got into arduino ide and try sending the esp8266 the command “AT” i get no response. please help.
I have do all one more time, but result is the same
[1030] Failed to disable Echo
question is WHY?
May be you have forgot to disconnect GPIO0 pin from GND?
no thats not it. I have gpio connected to ground
You write that you have GPIO0 is connected to ground. But GPIO0 need to be connected to ground only when you write firmware. When you have done with firmware uploading, you need to disconnect GPIO0 pin from ground.
yeah thats what ive done
have you tried sending an “AT” command on arduino ide? what baud rate did you use?
Also do you have rx to tx and tx to rx?
Yes it is working from Arduino IDE. But not forgot to write into Arduino empty code. In Arduino serial monitor select “Both NL & CR” baud rate is 115200. If you have already write firmware then your connection is correct, but if still doesn’t work, you can try swap rx tx pins or change baud rate to 9600
You can use this http://www.compuphase.com/software/termite-3.2.exe for comunicate with ESP8266
Check out the latest library release ,it comes bundled with some required libraries for ESP8266 Shield: https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-library/releases/latest