Arduino 101 - BLE - Blynk - connected but not connected

First step- in the arduino ide : Tools>“Boards Arduino/Genuino 101”>Boards Manager
Search for 101 and find Intel Curie Boards. Select: More Info and select version 1.0.7 and select update.
This will update the version on the board.

Second step - reset the board. In the arduino ide: Tools>Programmer>Arduino/Genuino 101 Firmware Updater
then select burn bootloader. The ide will go through the process.

Reset the board and its ready to go on version 1.0.7



A post was merged into an existing topic: Trouble Triggering LED ON/OFF with BLE Example

Hello guys,

Right now, I am using 1.0.6 version of Curie Board. From time to time, I can’t connect very easy through BLYNK BLE widget. I just wondered will I get connected easier if I would update my Curie Board to 2.0.2?


NO… if you read this whole topic you would understand that there is currently issues with 2.0.2

thank you for your solution @jlmyra