Android Open Beta. Version 2.27.2

Thanks Alex.
The log files that i sent are indicating that the sound is occurring each time that a push notification is activated?

I can not log the fact the sound has been played or not - I’m logging the sound’s set up, that’s why the logs can’t help(

I can not log the fact the sound has been played or not - I’m logging the sound’s set up, that’s why the logs can’t help(

Okay if i can assist further please do let me know.

Wow, logs are very strange - looks like app receives abnormal byte data, just lots of zeros

Did you also get a chance to investigate why this was happening and did you get a chance to resolve it?

App is just receiving byte arrays filled with zeros, I had not found any examples of such behavior. When I’ll have more time - Ill prepare some debug builds with different connection options - maybe it can help.

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Hi the latest beta version notification cannot working from the hardware side !

Please send logs, there were no changes in last builds except for some bugfixes

Hello Alex i have sent log files earlier this week. Were they helpful? is there more i can do to enable you to find the problem?

Since updating to 2.27.6 (latest Android beta), my device tiles have been arranged by alphabetic order. Is there any way I can change them back to the way they were?

See here… it was a fix from the previous chaotic ordering.

Ah, thanks @Gunner.

Do you know if the ordering is based on the name or template ID? It would be nice to be able to rearrange them without having “A - Lounge lights”, “B - Bedroom lights”

It is based on the devices’ names. So you can just rename devices. Maybe I’ll find another better way to sort out this issue.

Any chance you could allow us to rearrange the devices by moving them up/down on the device tiles settings tab?

There will be sorting options for Blynk2, not sure we will introduce them in current app.

I think it is the first time I see this “announcement”. :face_with_monocle: Work “in progress”? Or just plans for future?

@BlynkAndroidDev, could you somehow provide me a link to the pre-LATEST (beta)version. I got a strong feeling latest version broke something within image widget. I’m not sure (I’m using it only since very recently) but it seems latest version reacts with a HUGE delay to :

	blynk:setProperty(42, "urls", "")
	blynk:virtualWrite(42, 1)

The above is called >4s after updated image is placed on server, the updated image IS accessible,yet the BLYNK delays its update in widget by few dozens of minutes (after some another run). I think it was ok before.

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may be related to this:

Is the URL you are setting the same each time? If so, perhaps it is not flushing the cached image.


blynk:setProperty(42, "urls", "");
blynk:setProperty(42, "urls", "");

Awesome, thanks.

Lets hope Blynk2 launches soon.

Yes, this workaround came into my mind, but I’d prefer a software fix.
I may try that with some nice “waiting” graphic and when new graphs are ready, refresh widgets again.

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Is Blynk “1” bad? :wink:

Blynk “1” is awesome but there are several little things like this which are … frustrating…