Android Beta 2.28.0

Guys, I’ve uploaded new beta build with a fix to this issue with full-screen video, it should be available in 4-8 hours.


That’s working now… Thank you :+1:t2:

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Hi @BlynkAndroidDev,
In my case, it’s working now setting “Force TCP transport” to Off.

Regards and thanks for your time and effort.



I still think theres a small issue with streaming widget @BlynkAndroidDev. When I flick to another tab and back to the tab that has video streaming widget it doesn’t recover :frowning:



@BlynkAndroidDev Hi. Any progress on the above comments? Yes I am also having trouble with the vid streaming widget not recovering. If I put it to and out of play mode it recovers. Also If I change the URL within the program it is not switching to the new stream.

Also can you confirm that the RTSP is the only format to work? MJPEG is not working? That’s my experience. Is it the intention to get MJPEG working or is that solely an android limitation?

The above tweaks and fixes. Are they still in the beta or current release?
I’m on version 2.27.17 14th May 2020.

Beta version has support for all the streams Google ExoPlayer library supports, and RTSP, and MJPEG. but it do not support all variations of RTSP and, probably, MJPEG. Please send logs from your device after trying to play MJPEG stream and I will check what is going on. Thanks

Are you describing issues with 2.27.17 version? If yes - try beta (it differs from release one only in enabled logging support and another video streaming implementation).

Video Streaming widget seems to be all fixed now… All my issues resolved… Thank you @BlynkAndroidDev


As you probably know there are quite a few variations of esp32 camera Arduino code around to stream the camera. I’ve tried them all.

I can get all of them to work on google browser and also the browser widget. By the way I noticed that the browser widget is not closing the connection when you move away from the widget. Is this intentional. If so then with a stream to the widget I suppose it will eat up data? This might not be a good thing?

With the video stream widget I have 2 variations of code that do RTSP. Both work on VCL. Both work on the current production version of blynk (.18). Although I do have issues restarting the steam etc as I stated before in the community forum.

I’ve loaded the beta of Blynk. Nice new interface by the way for the video widgetJ. Now the 2 RTSP options that worked on production don’t now work on the beta. Still OK on VCL. Also none of the MJPEG options work on beta either. Nor did they work on production anyway.

If this is of interest I can work some more with you on the beta issue?

I forgot to say that where I stated “Now the 2 RTSP options that worked on production don’t now work on the beta”. I can see from the serial connection on the ESP32 camera that there has been a connection as I would expect but it appears that the stream is just not showing up on the video widget.

Not working again :frowning:

Hm, the browser widget - do you mean ‘link button’? We use native android webview, and it handles connections by itself, so I expect it should close the connection by its own. Maybe it is a bug of your Android version? I’ll check what we can do from our side.

Strange, I suppose it depends on some specific steps. Can you send the logs after it will reproduce again? Thanks

RTSP in beta version (as well as in production) does not support all possible cases of RTSP streams. For example, it do not support situation when video stream is working from another ip/domain, then the connection one. Can you provide more information on your RTSP stream settings? Which stream is inside? MJPEG?

Please send logs from beta version when you notice such issues, it helps a lot.

OK very wierd but I remember someone saying earlier that they removed logs and then it worked… I just did the same and now it’s working.

Wow, that’s super strange. Maybe async file access can really affect video streaming. Thanks. I’ll try to investigate this connection

I think my point here is that a stream that was working in production is now not working in beta. The widget remains blank. I know the stream is getting to the phone. It’s just not displaying in the widget. So this is a backward step?

I can get this situation to work on production when I use my external IP address and port forwarding.

I’ll send logs when I next load the beta.

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The beta app have completely different implementation for video streaming, that’s why it differs a lot from the production version. It is the reason why we are maintaining two different app branches, as if we will release beta to production some users would need to switch to another streaming. I will soon release and update with some fixes, new boards and Android 11 Beta support, so I will expect for some logs after the release. Thanks for your help.

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OK. Thanks. Are you able to let me know when you update the beta and I should have another look? I’m sticking to production on my phone so may not receive auto updates from playstore for the blynk beta.


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For sure, I’ll update this thread