Android App Notification issues and Errors

i configure a project include Notification and The notification widget.
so when i loged out from project and signed in to other project that doesn’t any Notification widget,
The notification on first project popup on screen.
On Local Server.


:scream: The First Project popup notifacation when i signed in to new empty project.!!!(Locak Server)

As i know Notification in Project belong to that project and when we use widget it’s work and for each user is completely separate.

it’s not bad that we choice how will be shown notification (i.e. Global or per user or per project). but now notification popup Globally(in all user in - all project - in all)

I suspect the purpose of (Global, as you call them) notifications is simple… if you the user is not aware of the notification from one of your projects (even if that project is not actively displayed on your screen at the time), then what good is the notification?

Thus I believe any device that has the applicably “notifiable” project on it (unsure if it needs to be active or not) should display any associated notification in order to have functional purpose of said notification.

… hmmm…how many times did I use the word ‘notification’ in that statement :stuck_out_tongue:

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Let me clarify your situation: do you have several running projects in different accounts, that you are using on a one Android device? If yes, then notifications from all the projects (in several accounts) would be sent to this device.

In the current state, if you want to stop notifications from other accounts, you need to stop the projects before logout.


I have 2 android phone devices that each of them using a separate account that should be running all the time.
So on device nombrt 1 i’m using notification but in device no. 2 i dont have any notification so why on device no2 popup notification meassage of device one project?
How can i separate each user notification on running all the time?

Log into each phone with the account that has the UNWANTED notification… stop any projects that have the notifications and then log out. Then when you log back into the other account, and reactivate it’s projects, you should only get it’s notifications.

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You mean project no. 2 on device no. 1 is loged out and project no. 2 is running on device no 2 and notification will be send on device no. 2?

You know that when i stop a project other user on that account will be stop is it true?

Yes… but I thought you said that the other user used a DIFFERENT account on a different phone??

If so, then do this…

  1. Log into Account B with Phone A, turn off ALL projects, log out.

  2. Log into Account A with Phone B, turn off ALL projects, log out.

  3. Log back into Account A with Phone A, turn back on whatever projects you want active, and from there on you should only get Account A notifications on Phone A .

  4. Log back into Account B with Phone B, turn back on whatever projects you want active, and from there on you should only get Account B notifications on Phone B .

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If however you only have ONE account with TWO phones… then yes, BOTH phones will probably get notifications from any project in that account… and that is the way it should work.

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accordign to @Dmitriy this is a bug / i also consider a security breach. experienced this behaviour several times, and it is VERY annoying.

normally, i think there SHOULDN’t be ANY information flow between 2 DIFFERENT user accounts. @Gunner, imagine if once i would log in to my email account from your phone / pc, then, even after i’ve logged out, you would still receive notifications about my email conversations? not too good… at least for me :slight_smile:

sometimes, a friend logged in with his account on my phone to show /ask something, and since then i keep getting notification from his project. it is not possible to stop it, only if you uninstall then reinstall the app.

i have to reinstall the app every time after i help someone remotely to build or setup something in his / her project. this is not good!

@sh.abar.mard, fyi, this issue is not related to latest app version, it is a very old problem. i reported several months ago, but probably it is much older.

Notifications keep coming from a logged off account

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Now How about it in latest version Android?
Are you have this Problem yet?(Not Fixed?)
i install latest version on Android But i have This Problem.:expressionless:
@Dmitriy Please Have a look

i’m not aware about any official fix regarding this issue.

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Yeah. This is known issue. Will be fixed in next update.

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@wanek… Yes, I agree… However, I was only expanding on the apparent solution until the fix is released. At least this solution seemed to have worked for me awhile back.

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the problem is, that even if you stop the project, but the other user starts again after a while, you still receive notifications.

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I don’t know… I haven’t had the problem since.

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you can test it, if you have 2 phones and 2 different accounts.

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