Amazon Echo ESP8266 control, with natural speech commands

This didn’t work for me, i reverted to the old way of declaring ssid pass server token and removing wifi manager and adding

Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass, server);

Without knowing exactly what you tried, this is just a guess… but when using Blynk.config() you need to have previously established a functional WiFi connection, otherwise no, it will not work by itself, as compared with Blynk.begin().

This is what i tried as per the comment, i wasn’t asking asking for a solution @Gunner. it was to help others who were trying to get it working with their own local blynk server…

And this will help others who want to use the Blynk.config() method… which includes the benefit of a functional sketch even without the Blynk connection, as opposed to the blocking Blynk.begin()

  WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);   // Establish a WiFi connection
  Blynk.config(auth, server, port);  // Setup a Blynk Server connection
  Blynk.connect();  // Establish the Blynk connection - in the void loop() will attempt the same thing

yes agreed, but i was going with the notion that this topic was intergrating alexa with blynk, i just couldn’t find a post with the local server integration except for

which didn’t work for me !

i do understand wifi manager, i just didn’t require it due to having a local server.

hi @chrome1000 only one device shows up under the routine section for device selection, all devices are shown in smart home, any ideas as to the fix?

I’m not sure what you mean by ‘routine selection.’ Do you mean Group? Scene?

in the android alexa app, under Routines

i was trying to set some routine timers for a couple of lamps to come on a a set time but only one device is shown under smart devices in the routine section, all my devices are shown under smart home.

I haven’t used routines before, but it looks like the same thing happens with my devices. However, routines can control either devices or groups, and they do show up under “groups,” if you’ve defined them that way in the smart home settings.

i did try that but it goes tilt…this action is not supported
if you have devices in that group

i’m wondering if it cannot support more than one switch, maybe supports bulbs?

this is the tilt message when trying to add a group called lights which contains 2 sonoff devices

No idea. I went through all my devices and groups. Most could be added to routines, but a few gave me the same error that you got.

on the ones that gave you errors, were the devices you were trying to use in the routine sonoffs, did you manage to use more than one sonoff in any routine being either a device or group?
i’ve been trying everything but no change. i don’t own any smart bulbs to try.
i think weighing it up, i can still use a blynk timer by adding some additional code, just a shame i can’t let Alexa manage it.

it’s a really great project, well done for sharing.

you can try Sinric and add your devices under switches.

Also with Sinric you get both Alexa & Google Home

@Ze_Pico Sinric may be a perfectly fine method for Alexa device control, but but you fail to ever show any integration with BLYNK. This is the BLYNK forum. Are you seeing the disconnect?