Hi has any Adafruit Feather M0 w/ATWINC1500 support been added since this post?
I don’t see any Feather M0 examples and there’s no “BlynkSimpleFeatherM0.h” file in the src folder.
Hey guys, any word on Blynk working with this board? Project is stalled waiting for Blynk interface.
Why is it stalled?
The post you referenced shows how to get the WiFi working (and you can simply copy/paste the code and make your own BlynkSimpleWiFiShield101.h
Virtual pins should handle everything else.
Yes, thanks. I just got that working. I did want to modify it though so I could handle the WiFi connection outside of Blynk. I was under the impress that the call to Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass) has been made blocking until the WiFi connection is established. I want my project to work (in a different mode) when no WiFi is available.
Am I correct about this? If so, is there a way to use Blynk.begin() with a timeout value in case it can’t make a WiFi connection?
Also, I just noticed that the Adafruit_WINC1500 library is marked as deprecated. They want you to use the WiFi101 library now. So, it would be nice if there was a new clean .h file and example script using WiFi101 for the Adafruit M0 w/ ATWINC1500.
I have seen references by others about making their projects work with and without a Blynk Server connection… you will have to search around for those yourself as I cannot recall any offhand. You could always experiment with timer loops as well.
As I interpret it, it is already based on the WiFi101. As for a shiny new… you will have to either work on that yourself (apparently it was mostly pin designations?) or ask nicely of the person who did it in the first place.
Switch from Blynk.begin() to Blynk.config() but make the changes required by Blynk.config().
OK, using the updated WiFi101 library, Feather M0 w/ATWINC1500, and Blynk together turned out to be so easy it’s embarrassing. Just start with the Arduino_WiFi_Shield_101 example and add the line:
before the call to Blynk.begin() (or before WiFi.begin() if you want to setup the WiFi connection yourself first and then call Blynk.config()).
Also, it doesn’t appear that your sketch needs the line:
#include <SPI.h>
I commented it out and things worked just fine.
I just added an example, based on your input: https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-library/blob/master/examples/Boards_WiFi/Adafruit_Feather_M0_WiFi/Adafruit_Feather_M0_WiFi.ino
Could you verify if it works? thx!
Works as expected, thanks.
[2137] IP:
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///_, /////_
/__/ v0.4.3 on Arduino Zero
[5001] Connecting to blynk-cloud.com:8442
[5041] Ready (ping: 12ms).