New Android Release 1.16.1

What’s new :

  1. Added 4 Home Screen Widgets (button, led, value display, labeled value display);
  2. Added ESP32 to boards list;
  3. SetProperty doesn’t work with BLE fix;
  4. Graph issue fix;
  5. Energy purchase doesn’t work in some cases fix;
  6. Eventor wrong pin indexing fix;


Nice! :clap::heart_eyes:

Sounds great! Any estimate of when IOS will receive any of these important updates? Thanks

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iOS with few new widgets will be released in few days.


Couldn’t you make the button any bigger?

Any reason why the buttons don’t work? The HomeButton is echoing the ON and OFF state of the button in the Project but it’s not actually processing the code within the button.

Is that sarcasm :slight_smile:?

Is that button in PUSH mode?

Yep, bit bigger and I’ll not need any wallpaper.

Button is in SWITCH mode and fully operational in the project. Even though homebutton echos the project, the project isn’t echoing the homebutton.

Smaller it doesn’t look ok( It would be just like led, but texts would not fit

@BlynkAndroidDev the circular button is not too bad, it’s all the black real estate that goes with it.

There is standard android grid for widgets. We are limited here. We’ll have a look what we can do.

Hard to say. Works for me. Do you use Blynk Cloud?

What is that?

“homebutton” is your new Home Screen (button) widget.

Fails on local server, will try your server and let you know the response.

Is that latest one? 0.18.3?

@Costas oh, I see. Home widgets use HTTPS, you need to make port forwarding for https either on your router or on your machine with server with :

sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 9443

Pretty sure I did that when I set up the server.
Tried again still no response from the button.
Just checking the Blynk server.

Yes 0.18.3.

@Dmitriy Confirmed as working ok on Blynk Cloud server.

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When will there be updates for iOS? I like to play with the eventor widget…

Could it be something with certificates? As you need to use HTTPS.

Seems as if we should see Android and IOS updates pretty much the same time as Apple has reduced review time to about 1-2 days:

Cool update. :slight_smile:
There should be an option of changing pin no.