GMT+11 Australia INCORRECT in RTC Settings widget iOS

Hi - I’ve noticed the RTC widget allows you to select GMT+11 for example for Australia / Sydney, however + 11 is assuming daylight savings time - BUT its not daylight savings in Australia, it should be GMT+10 at the moment. Therefore the clock is ONE hour fast when displaying on Blynk.

Anyway I can easier configure this to disable daylight savings on RTC setting as it would be nice if it simply synced with local time on the server that the Blync Server is running on.

Same issue as here I think:

@mars hello. do you use local sever?

yes I do use a local server. You can see from screenshot below that the time at the top of the phone 18:27 (correct time), time in LCD widget as 19:26 (+1 hr), and the time in the HISTORY WIDGET as 18:27 - something weird seems to be happening ?

@mars please show me RTC edit screen with timezone you selected.

Thanks. Could you please try this build -

Does it help?

@Dmitriy when did “locations” become available in RTC as I just get +1 +2 +3 etc, no reference to Australia or anywhere else. Maybe it is an Android setting?

@Costas this is for iOS. Anyway we store only offsets and this is a bug. We will fix in next update.

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going to bed now :slight_smile: will try in morning

@mars thank you for reporting! Look like problem in widget field format. Will be fixed in next update.

Hi - I installed new build - no obvious change that I can see - what should I see that is different ?

It requires apps update also (not yet published).

ok - that would explain it :slight_smile:

@Dmitriy Hi - i’ve noticed an update available today on iOS store and I’ve updated accordingly.
But the problem is now worse :frowning: See picture attached. NOTE: I have selected GMT+11 Australia/Sydney (for some reason GMT+10 not their which is the real offset at this current period of the year).

Note: I am using local server with server-0.18.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Please download server again and remove and add RTC widget again.

ok - but am i installing same server version 0.18.0-SNAPSHOT ?

Correct. I updated that build just hour ago.

ok - confirmed it all works, thank you.

HOWEVER, RTC Widget selection scroll still showing GMT+11 for Australia/Sydney BUT should be GMT+10. Is this going to be fixed ?

@mars please check latest app with fixes. You’ll need to remove/add widget again.