I am doing something wrong and stupid I’m sure, but if you would be so kind as to tell me what I would be most grateful!
I am trying to set up a blynk project with my WeMos D1. I have installed Arduino ide, the blynk library, the requisite driver and esp8266 library and examples. I can communicate with the D1 via usb cable and upload code, the blink code works for example. Then I uploaded the Blynk sketch and entered my SSID/password and the auth token as required. This compiled and uploaded fine. I set up a project in the Blynk app (android) and I add a button to blink an led set up for pin D4. When I hit the ‘play’ button, I get a pop up from the bottom of the screen saying ‘your WeMos D1 is not in network’.
I am certain I have done something wrong (and likely something super obviously wrong) but having looked through other threads on here and youtube I haven’t figured out what. Would someone be able to ever so kindly kick this noob in the right direction?
Welcome! Have you used the Arduino’s serial monitor to see what the WeMos is “telling you?” That should at least be able to confirm for you if the WeMos wifi connection is successful and any other info. If you do get an error or something that doesn’t look right, post it here.
In my experience the App is usually faster than the Wemos, so it will say disconnected but in fact it’s just too fast with the error (maybe this can be changed?). I’ve noticed it’s usually on Android, not on IOS.
Question is: is your Wemos really offline or is the app throwing you off? E.g. does the led work when you press the button? Because it could well be everything functions fine (I tend to ignore errors anyway, they are annoying, LOL).
I think Dave is spot on. For regular Blynkers it’s not really an issue as we understand what the messages are saying but for new Blynkers it is a bit alarming / confusing.
Thanks all for the helpful advice Yeah it did trip me up that error message. Still, I got it working (I accidentally capitalised the first letter of my SSID! Genius!) now on to more exciting parts of the project!