You have reached the max number of Groups you can create

Plus plan. 7 of 10 users, 9 of 15 devices.
Trying to edit a datastream or edit a templates Automation. Same error comes up, not allowing a save.
This used to work, so not sure its a price/.subscription change/issue.
New library (arduino nb1500’s being used) but shouldnt be relevant.

Not sure what a “Group” is indicated to be here as nothing is grouped (devices are independent, although there are 3 active in this template). Total templates = 5.

Anyone had same / similar issue?
Right now I cant change datastream info, nor make changes needed for automations.

Seems coincidental with changes to Free plan?

Hello @avonree As far as I understand you have 5 templates. And when exactly does the error appear?
Please attach screenshots if possible.

@avonree Hello. I think it’s a typo in the error message. It should say “Metafields”, not groups. Do you have more than 10 metafields in your template? We decreased the limit here and it is now 10 for all plans.

Hi, In a template there have been roughly 50 under the Metadata block, so I assume those are the metafields. Is there an option to keep; this at that limit for a period. This would require some substantial changes to the code sets and devices. When did the change occur?

Hi, in debugging this, its practically down to 6, not 10 metadata as 4 are reserved (name, owner, location, hotspot). In cell-only devices, this is 5 not 6 as hotspot is not used. One goal we have had is to make the software as generic (supportable) as possible, hence the use of configuration information in meta (calibration values, one-time setups, text information) that is device specific, but not a datastream that changes over time or in-use. Is it possible to re-consider the decision to be 6 user-definable metadata, to increase to something more useful (12? 24?)

Sorry for now the limit is 10 for all plans.

Thank you for the reply. All my devices were unchanged Jan 20th this year, so I just got back into doing some modifiications for end users and thus noticed the problem/changes. I must have missed a product release of changes like these. Is there a link to other limits/changes so I can plan in advance? This limit of 6 is a big change.

all change you can read in docs Limits - Blynk Documentation

@avonree what plan do you have? We can consider limit increase for PLUS/PRO users.

He said…


Hi, sorry for delay. What I would find useful would be a number based on modifiable settings, meaning there are 4 fixed (Device Name/Owner/Location/hotspotname), thus the user only has a maximum of 6 available to use. It limits the transportability of code. Its not impossible to use datastreams to act as variables, but its more obtuse. Perhaps start with 10 “user settable” meta ? I’m not sure if the limit is imposed by, so cant add much there. Thanks