Write to a labeled value display whenever needed from python blynk library

Hey everyone. Recently I have been experimenting with the Python Blynk Library on a raspberry pi. I have successfully setup the library and have gotten the library mostly working. I am able to get data from a gps, button, display a value at the start of the program and send notifications. One thing I am struggling on is writing to a Labeled Value Display whenever I have data that needs to be updated. For example, when I first run my code, I set the display to “nothing”. I want to update the value display with coordinates from the gps whenever I receive those coordinates. I tried calling

blynk.virtual_write(10, 'new string')

but the display never seems to update. I have tried it a couple others ways as well, using a global variable and setting the display to update with the global variable every second, but nothing seems to work. Is this possible or am I just oblivious to an obvious solution? Any help is appreciated. Thank you! I will attach my code below for help.

import BlynkLib
import time
import gpiozero as gpio

ledP = gpio.LED(20)


# Initialize Blynk
blynk = BlynkLib.Blynk(BLYNK_AUTH)

lat = None
lon = None
steps = 0
Value_display = "Nothing"

def v10_read_handler():
    global Value_display
    blynk.virtual_write(10, Value_display)

def my_write_handler(value):
    global lat,lon,steps, Value_display
    if steps == 0:
        lat = value
        steps = steps + 1
    elif steps == 1:
        lon = value
        steps = steps + 1
    elif steps == 2:
        steps = steps + 1
    elif steps == 3:
        steps = 0
        latlon = (lat, lon)
    elif steps == 4:
        steps = 0
        latlon = (lat, lon)
        Value_display = 'String 2'
def my_write_handlers(value):
    print('Current button value: {}'.format(value))
    if value == "1":
        #blynk.notify('You pressed the button and I know it')

def v21_read_handler():
    # Display a Gauge
    import random
    rannum = random.randint(1,20)*5
    blynk.virtual_write(21, rannum)



Github link for easy downloading of code : Github