Why ENC28J60 is not working with BLYNK

That is very good. It’s connected, though your ping time seems a little on the high side.

I’m still a little concerned about the IP address it’s displaying. How exactly are you connecting to the internet? What do you mean by “LAN Board”? Is this a switch/router?

Yeah i am not sure about that ip address but that was started from 40 only. This ip i just wrote based on my memory. And i am talking about Ethernet port sorry for the term “LAN board”

I assume it connects to your LAN then via a switch or router? What is the IP range of your local network?

IPv4 address :

Subnet mask :

If the serial output says “connected” it should be all good. Did you put in the correct auth token?

Yeah, auth token is correct.

Then I’m a bit at a loss here, because everything seems to be correct. Have you tried resetting your modem/router? It might help if it’s confused about MAC addresses

What do you use as a modem/router, can you tell me the name of the device?

The box that provides the internet to your network

Do me a favour buddy, U just upload one tutorial video on youtube for Arduino uno + ENC28J60 + Blynk app which will start from connection to led blinking. Can you do that please ?

I got the output for a backsoon program using one ethernet_master library that means my ENC module is working properly. But how to do this with blynk app, i don’t know. My project submission date is very close now, what to do?

I have no idea how to do that, and certainly not on short term.

If your ENC module is working fine, it must be something with either Blynk or the internet access. If it says connected, it is connected to the Blynk cloud service.

Maybe @Dmitriy can your account? It’s the only thing I can think off now, sorry.

Thanks for your effort bro!! Today i got the output but with heartbeat timeout. If you know how to fix that then please tell me.

I have the same problem as @Pravesh but instead of a led i use a DHT22.

My arduino sketch is:

#include <Wire.h>

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

#include <dht.h>
#include <SimpleTimer.h>

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial   
#include <UIPEthernet.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleUIPEthernet.h>

dht DHT;
float temp;
float vocht;
SimpleTimer timer;
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3F, 20, 4);

char auth[] = "d0a85ae62a2e47718cd17ed52dcc2b65";

void setup()
  timer.setInterval(1000, sendtimer);

void loop()
    int chk = DHT.read22(5);
  temp = DHT.temperature;
  vocht = DHT.humidity;

void sendtimer(){
  Blynk.virtualWrite(1, temp);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(2, vocht);

The serial monitor shows:
[2147] Getting IP…
[7405] IP:
___ __ __
/ _ )/ /_ _____ / /__
/ _ / / // / _ / '/
//_, /////_
__/ v0.4.3 on Arduino Uno

[7516] Connecting to blynk-cloud.com:8442
[32517] Connecting to blynk-cloud.com:8442
[33097] Ready (ping: 47ms).

It won’t print the values on the displays on my phone

You need to remove everything except timer.run and blynk.run from the loop. Try printing the LCD values in the void sendtimer instead.

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Have a look in this example https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-library/blob/master/examples/More/DHT11/DHT11.ino

@Lichtsignaal @Dmitriy I’m sorry to have wasted your time, but i’ve simply forgotten to set timer.run() in my program

Haha, common error, no biggie :wink:

@wou998 you still shouldn’t have the DHT and lcd in the loop().