Where I have to change from cloud to local in the raspberry local server configuration

I tried but I do not know where to change to change ip app on the phone ok no-ip xxx.ddns.net port 9443 connection ok I’m going to put rasspberry as a customer and offline me where I’m wrong and where I have to change from cloud to local in the raspberry local server configuration Grazie mille

As per the Documentation…


if I’m not mistaken, can I create a local server on raspberry? OK done
now if I want to add the same raspberry as a client locally I can do it?
if you would like a little help
Thank you

Yes… search this forum for other’s examples of doing just that… Keywords like RPi Client Server should do the trick

Although it is as simple as installing the client library (use the language of your choice, C++ NodeJS or Python… but NodeJS has the better forum support) and using the same IP as the RPi itself (and port 8080).